View Full Version : changeing styles

11-28-2002, 03:00 PM
i would like to know how to have more then one style installed and to switch between them with out the images getting conflicts
and allow the users to select which style they would like to have.

12-03-2002, 01:31 AM
you need to make a directory on the server with a different path to the images for each style.

1) Make a directory in the forum root called "themes" example:


2) inside that themes directory make other directories for each theme, example:


etc... and upload all the images to each style its own directory, red, green, blue, etc..

3) go in admin cp, under Style click Download/Upload. under Upload existing style set select the style you want to add. below it Under Overwrite existing style make sure No, create a new style is selected. Click upload.. do this for all your styles.

4) still in admin cp under Style select Modify for each style you see select [fonts/colors/etc] under [image paths] make sure each of the styles point to the correct directory, example, if I have a style called "blue" your paths should look like this:

Image folder path: /themes/blue
Title image path: themes/blue/vBulletin_logo.gif
Reply image path: themes/blue/reply.gif
New thread image path: themes/blue/newthread.gif
Closed thread image path: themes/blue/threadclosed.gif

do that for each of your styles and everything should be fine when switching styles... hope this helps.

12-03-2002, 02:58 AM
wow thanks m8.