View Full Version : Adding of image field upload for registration page

11-23-2002, 10:41 AM
Hi. I am very interested in getting vBulletin.

However, I am wondering if it is possible to add an image field during registration for new forum members.

This image field is in addition to the avatar field.
Coz i am thinking of letting a new forum member upload a picture of his during registration.

After reading the manual, i realized that you can that there is a build in capability to add in alphanumeric fields. However, it did not state that we could add in addition image fields.

I really hope that someone can enlighten me in this area.
Thank you.

11-23-2002, 03:45 PM
With the proper modifications and code hacks, you should be able to add a field to add an avatar.

Just a side note is that some people may register, and upload an avatar, but never particpate. This would mean it would take up more space than its normal registered user without an avatar.