View Full Version : Question: Changing the "default"settings for users...

11-22-2002, 04:10 PM
Im sure this has been asked before, but I could not find it via Search.

Anyways, Im doing some template modifications and want to change the "default" Option settings for users. Basically, I want to change the default "yes" or "no" for options like
Invisible Mode, Private Messages, etc.

Now, I know the code is:
<td bgcolor="{secondaltcolor}"><normalfont><b>Invisible Mode?</b><br> <smallfont>Selecting yes allows you to surf the forums without appearing in the 'Logged In Users' list.</smallfont></normalfont></td><td bgcolor="{secondaltcolor}"><normalfont>
<input type="radio" name="invisible" value="yes" $invisiblechecked> yes
<input type="radio" name="invisible" value="no" $invisiblenotchecked> no

This code here gives me the "yes" option checked, and the "no" option unchecked. When I tried changing "checked" and "notchecked" around, it would force the selection and not allow you to change and save it...

How do I change it so that the "no" option is checked by default the first time somebody logs on? Will I need to change this in the Adult Registration (registeradult) template as well?
Also, what if I just change the registeradult template and not bother with the modifyoptions template, the settings should be carried over once you register, correct?

Thanks for any help.

11-22-2002, 06:21 PM
you have to change the registertemplate, not the modifyoption template...

the way of doing would be correct then, but if you change in modifyprofile it will just change the selections, so if so chooses no yes will be selected and if he chooses yes then it'll be no..