View Full Version : Contents thread...

11-21-2002, 09:20 AM
Hai could some help me with this.

Whenever I post a message in a subforum I want to have all of my members to receive a mail. This is not so hard to do but the contents of the thread (not only threadtitle) is what I want to have in this mail.

So in the e-mailmoderator template I have this:

$bbuserinfo[username] heeft net een posting achtergelaten in $foruminfo[title] forum van $bbtitle onder de benaming:
Deze topic kunt u hier bekijken $bburl/showthread.php?threadid=$threadid

I need to add some code to get the threadcontens which I posted in my thread in here. Tried $threadinfo[pagecontents] but does not work.

Who can help out?

11-21-2002, 12:54 PM
well, you need to get the content out of the post-table.
it isn't saved within the thread-table...

normally you should be able to use a join query if you just want the first-post.

can't tell more withount knowing the exact code..

11-21-2002, 12:58 PM
I have it working!
Found an old hack and adjusted it a little....cya

Thanx for your effort!