View Full Version : Img Sig size restriction hack?!

11-20-2002, 04:25 PM
Is there a simple hack that would restrict the size (in pixels) of peoples image signatures, as someone on the board has decided that having a 456x233 sig is needed. I would like to stop this continuing by having a size limit in place?

I had a look through the forums and couldn't seem to find one, but if there are I'm sorry, and could you point me to it?

Thanks in advance!

11-20-2002, 08:03 PM
I also requested this, partly because of the current version. It checks the signature when you update it...however, if the user alters the image without having to change the url in his/her user-CP, no restriction protects it.

I also need a script that resizes extremely large images so that they won't overflow tables or require side-scrolling.

11-20-2002, 08:29 PM
Yea, that would be cool. But I would like something that just has max size like 400x75 and if the user goes above it, it just shows no image/red-x.

09-29-2003, 04:51 AM
I agree, a this is something I need to enforce on my site now as well.

04-09-2004, 10:34 AM
I agree, a this is something I need to enforce on my site now as well.
This is actually easy... it would be sufficient to do a getimagesize on the linked images. The problem is - and I guess for this reason it isn't included in vbulletin - this slows down the forums, since everytime you request a page, the system must first check the imagesizesm and then complete loading the page. It's not even good to have a chack only when the user submit his image in the control panel, because he could later change it and put a bigger image.

This is a big issue for all those websites with fixed tables width...