View Full Version : How do I edit "standard" table template?

11-16-2002, 01:02 PM
Let me clearly explain this. Whenever the FAQ or ERROR templates are displayed... they are shown in a "standard" table, using pre-defined colors, etc.

Some people (including me) have used a hack that adds graphics on top of the category and posts tables. I would like the FAQ and ERROR template tables to also have these graphics. However when you edit the template there's no html code for the tables...

Where (if possible) can I edit that "template"? to add these graphics? or do I simply edit each of those templates and add the table and graphics code in html?

11-17-2002, 03:10 PM
you can find two templates standardredirect and standarderror, there you'll find it ;)

11-17-2002, 10:57 PM
Xenon: Thanks for the info. Though one more question regarding this issue. I noticed that even though I added a bcakground color to the tables... and also tried to add the same graphics that goes on top of the categories and posts.

I noticed that I can match the table size of 1 of the error mesages, but as different error messages are shown, the graphics will not extend to the table sizes... will remain the size of the one I matched.

Is there a way I can "align" the graphics in a way that they just "resize" accorgingly to the lenght of the table size of the error is displayed?