View Full Version : how to remove PM 1.2.5 from vB database ?

11-12-2000, 04:00 AM
since PM hack ain't working with my 1.1.4 upgraded vB, how does one remove the PM added tables etc in the vB database ?

11-12-2000, 05:06 AM
can someone check if this is correct ?

DROP TABLE privatercvd;
DROP TABLE privatesent;
DROP TABLE pmstats;
ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP canusepm;
ALTER TABLE user DROP ignorelist, DROP pmfolders, DROP receivepm, DROP emailonpm;
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='privmsgsbitlist';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='privatemsglist';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='privatelogin';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='showprivmsg';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='privmsgbit';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='sendprivmsg';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='redirect_pmthanks';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='redirect_pmdelete';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='error_pmnosentreply';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='error_pmivalidrecipient';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='error_pmcantdelete';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='error_pmcantview';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='error_pmcantignoreself';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='redirect_pmignoreadded';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='showignore';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='redirect_pmignoreedited';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='pmloggedin';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='pmloggedout';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='pmshowfolders';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='error_pmcantmove';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='redirect_pmmove';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='redirect_pmfoldersedited';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='error_pmfullmailbox';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='pmfullboxemailmsg';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='pmfullboxemailsubject';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='pm_nextnewest';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='pm_nextoldest';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='pmsentsubject';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='pmsentmsg';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='error_pmturnedoff';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='error_pmnotallowed';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='error_pmcantmovesent';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='error_pmrecipturnedoff';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='error_pmnotchecked';
DELETE FROM template WHERE title='error_pminvalidignores';

3 tables removed, 2 tables altered, and 35 templates removed

11-12-2000, 05:16 AM
after running the above i get this error

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: SELECT usergroupid,title,usertitle,canview,cansearch,cane mail,canpostnew,canreply,canad minedit,canedit,candelete,canopenclose,canmove,can controlpanel,canusepm FROM usergroup WHERE usergroupid=6
mysql error: Unknown column 'canusepm' in 'field list'
mysql error number: 1054

in the usergroup permissions

11-12-2000, 06:15 AM
I'm not sure which file it is in, but you need to remove the fields you just deleted from the SQL queries in the code.
So the one above would become:

SELECT usergroupid,title,usertitle,canview,cansearch,cane mail,canpostnew,canreply,canadminedit,canedit,cand elete,canopenclose,canmove,cancontrolpanel FROM usergroup WHERE usergroupid=6

That particular one is in the admin/usergroup.php i believe but there will be more instances of it around the rest of the forum.
Hope that helps! :)

11-12-2000, 06:22 AM
thanks i got rid of the one in usergroup.php

and reuploaded the previous copy of the other files.. hopefully that's all there is..

Thanks James :)