View Full Version : Guests

11-04-2002, 02:27 AM
I searched with keyword 'guest' but didn't find anything. Sometimes, I see Guests on the Who's Online Board. Some of them do the dumbest things, and it's obvious they either don't know enough to register or they are actually trying to hack. I saw one 'guest' actually trying to run a Mod Control Panel!

The hack I'm looking for is a way to message these guys, based on the reported IP address that the Online Panel Shows.

A nice little message like "Hey, What the hell are you doing on my messageboard?" piped directly to their screen might get their attention.

I can't PM them (since they have no account) and have no other means to let them know they're being watched.

Any ideas?

11-04-2002, 02:40 AM
There's no hack like that yet. It would be hard to do, since these guys are not logged in yet. You can't PM them. Whatever Instant Messaging system you use they will have to register with it first, so that's not possible.

The only way I can think of is to run a java applet in the background, which gives each guest automatically an id, and then you can IM them using that id.

11-04-2002, 03:33 AM
Well, a side note. I tried banning this guy by listing his IP address in the Options area. I thought the ban was supposed to be instantaneous?

An hour later, he's still there, mucking around on the board!

11-04-2002, 09:01 AM
Technically, if you've banned his IP, then he is seeing the "Your IP has been banned" screen, even though on WOL you see him browsing around. No matter where he clicks and where he seems to be in WOL, he is seeing the same "Your IP has been banned screen".

11-04-2002, 07:05 PM
The majority of guests doing such things are typically search engine spiders, at least from what I have seen.