View Full Version : Signature Image System Hack - Version 3.0+...

Chris M
11-01-2002, 10:00 PM
This hack is now a Full Release!!!...You can visit the BETA thread here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&threadid=45192) - I will still be using that thread to test out upcoming versions!:)

Please do the following before attempting to install:

1.) Backup your Files & Database before doing anything
2.) Be aware that although I have tested this myself, there may still be problems...If you do not backup your files & database, I cannot condone your install of this hack...

The files you should have are:

In the main folder
3.0 - Show Signatures.php
3.0 - Usergroup override - permissions.php

In the root folder

In the admin folder

*================================================= ================================================== ==================*
Please Note:
The install files are in the ".php" format, as vBulletin.org Parses all "{ imagesfolder }" and other replacment variables
used in the code - With .php extensions, it does not.
*================================================= ================================================== ==================*

Install Info:
Hack Version: 3.0+
Files to edit: 9 (admin/functions.php, admin/user.php, root/member.php, root/showthread.php, root/register.php, root/online.php, root/global.php, root/usercp.php, admin/index.php)
Templates to add: 19
Templates to edit: 5
Time to install: Approx 10-15 Minutes

Special thanks should go to the following people:

N9ne - For providing template modifications, and for being a BETA tester
Minifreunde - For requesting this hack, and for being a BETA tester
DrkFusion - For being a BETA tester
NTLDR - For helping with a few errors during the BETA testing stage...
mADmAX`- For providing the missing code to the root/usercp.php file...You can find his manual change here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=318649#post318649)

Support - I am offering support, but only in THIS THREAD...I unfortunately cannot be here during the coming weeks (Mon-Fri), so therefore you will have to rely on others for assitance, should it be urgent...If you do require assitance, please - Only reply in this thread:)

Screenshots will be coming in the next post in a .zip file of their own...

Updating from BETA

Depending on what version you are updating from, I recommend the following:

Version 1.0Beta - 2.1Beta - Complete re-install
Version 2.2Beta - Follow the instructions for the .php files starting "3.0", and there is one register.php modification and one usercp.php modification in the "modifications.php" file
Version 3.0Beta - There is one register.php modification and one usercp.php modification in the "modifications.php" file

v3+ comes out!
v3+ is really just the following:

Converting of all install files to .php format (to prevent code parsing)
Creation of an extra folder (root) to house the root/signature.php file (so you dont get confused with the install .php files)
The root/usercp.php modifcation I forgot to include



Chris M
11-02-2002, 03:11 PM
These are the Screenshots:)


11-02-2002, 03:18 PM
Wow im impressed, very very nice hack, ill be installing this asap, if any problems ill reply in here.

Chris M
11-02-2002, 03:23 PM

There shouldnt be, as it has been tested by 4 seperate people, but holler if there is:)


11-02-2002, 04:31 PM
Well it's still running flawlessly on my test board hellsatan, as you've already seen.

I can confirm this works with 2.2.8 if hacked in properly ;)

Chris M
11-02-2002, 04:47 PM

N9ne's vB Test Board has been heavily hacked, and it works without troubles:)


11-02-2002, 04:48 PM
When he says heavily hacked, it means I have 70 hacks installed ;)

I butchered the code with my butchers knife ;)

11-02-2002, 06:08 PM
It's good to see a full release of this hack, I was very impressed with the beta versions, just afraid to install them. ;) But now I can, great work, and thanks. :)

11-02-2002, 06:24 PM
Looks good hellsatan;) This will be great for me:)

Thank you:ninja:

11-02-2002, 06:28 PM
Nice to see this go final hellsatan, a well written and usefull hack :D

Chris M
11-02-2002, 06:31 PM

I am glad to see it go Final too, meaning that I am ready to think of upgrades;)


11-03-2002, 12:06 AM
Thx a lot HS for this hack :)

11-03-2002, 12:20 AM
Very nice Hellsatan, but I'm curious of 3 issues before considering installation.

#1. Does this add extra queries to showthread.php, and if so, how many?

#2. Is there a way to upload 1 signature image, then upload another--not replacing the first, but in order to have 2 signature images?

#3. It's just adding the signature image correct? So users who want to have text + a signature image can still do so by filling in the signature field?

11-03-2002, 01:33 AM
awesome d00d 1 thing though can u add to it where a user gets to pick which sig then want to use in there posts like sig #1 or sig #2 in a drop down box or pick random so it picks a different one for each post :D

Chris M
11-03-2002, 11:49 AM
@velo & wolfe - Currently, it only supports 1 signature image...

@wolfe - The random image thing I could probably do, if I work out how to get 2 signatures in the database;)

@velo - Yes...You can still have a normal signature...I just thought that if you host people's images on your site, this way you can disable IMG code, remove their sig from your site, and they can store it in the database, only accessable by the sites you permit:)

And i think, but not confirmed, that It adds 2 queries to showthread.php, but I am sure someone else can confirm it:)

I shall investigate the 2 signature images thing, but I suspect that will cause a few problems as regards selecting them:ermm:


11-03-2002, 02:02 PM
Mostly everything worked really well, but I got 2 problems:

1. In the edit options bit, the 'current avatar' image doesn't work anymore.

2. You have to have a current custom sig (from edit profile) for the sig image to show up :S

Other than them 2 probs, it works gr8

Chris M
11-03-2002, 02:26 PM
Ah yes...

With number 2, that is correct...

That is something both myself and N9ne neglected to mention...(N9ne modification;))...

Im not sure why the Avatar doesnt work any more...:ermm:

It works perfectly on everywhere else ive seen it installed...

The only thing I can suggest is that you re-check the code changes to functions.php & member.php...


11-03-2002, 02:37 PM
Thank you :) I'll check through the files and hopefully fix it,

Is there anyway to change the current sig thing or get around it somehow?

Chris M
11-03-2002, 02:46 PM
Do you mean as in not enable signatures?


Just remove the following from the "post_signature" template:


and add it to the postbit template, where you want it to appear;)

Then edit the postbit_signatureimg template, and remove the :

<br> at the beginning...:)


11-03-2002, 03:58 PM
I was thinking more of having both enabled, but making it so that if someone doesn't have a signature from edit profile, their signature image still works.

If thats not possible tho, thanx for the other option :) I'll prolly just use that instead, but my members do like having images and text in their sigs :)


Chris M
11-03-2002, 04:14 PM

If you apply the change above, it will do what you want...

All that it means above is that they dont have to have a signature to have a signature image;)


11-04-2002, 03:43 AM
Very nice hack, but I need some help:)

I dont mean to sound like such a n00b (which I am) but...

I ran the first 3 queries just fine, but when I got to the fourth query which is:

INSERT INTO settinggroup (settinggroupid,title,displayorder) VALUES (103,'Signatures','27')
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,103,'Enable Signatures','signatureenabled','1','Use this option to enable/disable the overall use of signature images.<br><br>Signature Images can be uploaded via the Admin Panel or the User Control Panel','yesno','1')
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,103,'Minimum custom posts','signaturecustomposts','','Minimum number of posts that a user required before they can specify a custom signature image for use.','','2')
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,103,'Allow uploads','signatureallowupload','1','Allow Signature Image uploads?','yesno','3')
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,103,'Allow website uploads','signatureallowwebsite','1','Allow users to upload their signature image from another website?','yesno','4')
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,103,'Maximum Image Width','signaturemaxwidth','400','Enter the maximum width value in pixels for a Signature image. Set this to 0 for no limit','','5')
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,103,'Maximum Image Height','signaturemaxheight','','Enter the maximum height value in pixels for a Signature image. Set this to 0 for no limit','','5')
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,103,'Display Height','numsignatureshigh','5','How many rows of signature images do you wish to display to the user when selecting a signature?','','7')
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,103,'Display Width','numsignatureswide','5','How many columns of signature images do you wish to display to the user when selecting a signature?','','8')

I get the following error:

SQL-query :

INSERT INTO settinggroup (settinggroupid,title,displayorder) VALUES (103,'Signatures','27')

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,103,'Enable Signatures','signatureenabled','1','Use this option to enable/disable the overall use of signature images.<br><br>Signature Images can be uploaded via the Admin Panel or the User Control Panel','yesno','1')

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,103,'Minimum custom posts','signaturecustomposts','','Minimum number of posts that a user required before they can specify a custom signature image for use.','','2')

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,103,'Allow uploads','signatureallowupload','1','Allow Signature Image uploads?','yesno','3')

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,103,'Allow website uploads','signatureallowwebsite','1','Allow users to upload their signature image from another website?','yesno','4')

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,103,'Maximum Image Width','signaturemaxwidth','400','Enter the maximum width value in pixels for a Signature image. Set this to 0 for no limit','','5')

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,103,'Maximum Image Height','signaturemaxheight','','Enter the maximum height value in pixels for a Signature image. Set this to 0 for no limit','','5')

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,103,'Display Height','numsignatureshigh','5','How many rows of signature images do you wish to display to the user when selecting a signature?','','7')

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,103,'Display Width','numsignatureswide'

MySQL said:
You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,op' at line 2

I know it says I have an error in line 2, but I have no idea what or how I'm supposed to fix it.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot. :)

11-04-2002, 08:58 AM
Just installed this and for some reason on the usercp, if you have no signature image...you get a missing image. I checked the html code and it looked like this....

< img src = "" >

Either I am tired or I can not figure out why the $ bbuserinfo[signatureurl] code doesnt pass the if, then else.

Also noticed that its signatureid and not signatureurl in the table user, if that is the issue. Again, I am tired so probably my over looking.

11-04-2002, 05:17 PM
Hm, this is strange, in my userCP I use <img src="$bbuserinfo[signatureurl]" border="0" alt=""> and if there is no sig image, there's no broken image, there's nothing...:confused:

11-04-2002, 05:27 PM
Not sure if this is right, but I noticed there was nothing in usercp.php with this so I added it. Right after I added it, it started working, so eitehr theres a step missing or I missed one.

// ############################### start signature ###############################

if ($bbuserinfo[signatureurl]=="") {
$bbuserinfo[signatureurl]="http://{ imagesfolder}/clear.gif";

(Note the space in { imagesfolder}

// ############################### start private messages ###############################

11-04-2002, 06:46 PM
Anyway we can use this for flash signature images?

I tried a few things and it will not load:

< embed src=signaturexxxxxxx >

11-04-2002, 07:20 PM
Have you tried the proper flash tag?:

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=4,0,0,0" width=380 height=28 align=middle id=quickstart>
<PARAM name="Movie" value="signaturexxxxxxx">
<PARAM name="loop" value="false">
<PARAM name="bgcolor" value="#000000">
<EMBED src="signaturexxxxxxx" width=200 height=40 align=middle swLiveConnect=true pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" LOOP=FALSE bgcolor=#000000 name="signaturexxxxxxx">

11-04-2002, 07:25 PM
Yes, I tried that but it seems that it will not pull the embed out of the database using this hack for some reason.

11-04-2002, 07:45 PM
I did not have to modify usercp.php when I made the template addon, as I think it is calling it from global.php...

11-05-2002, 01:37 AM
case 'editavatar':
$userinfo[where] = "Changing <a href=\"member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=editavatar\">Avatar</a>";

add below:

case 'editsignature':
$userinfo[where] = "Changing <a href=\"member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=editsignature\">Signature Image</a>";

can't find it .. all I have is

case 'editavatar':
$userinfo[where] = "Changing Avatar";

11-05-2002, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by mADmAX`
Not sure if this is right, but I noticed there was nothing in usercp.php with this so I added it. Right after I added it, it started working, so eitehr theres a step missing or I missed one.

// ############################### start signature ###############################

if ($bbuserinfo[signatureurl]=="") {
$bbuserinfo[signatureurl]="http://{ imagesfolder}/clear.gif";

(Note the space in { imagesfolder}

// ############################### start private messages ###############################

I had t do the same to work :/

11-05-2002, 04:30 AM

how abbout adding a way for the users to tie a URL to the sigimage ?

11-05-2002, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by CRego3D

how abbout adding a way for the users to tie a URL to the sigimage ?

Yeah this could be very cool!! :)

Chris M
11-05-2002, 03:05 PM
@Mini & Crego -

I had that planned for the next release;)

About the Usercp change

I had not tested this part, as it was an addon made by N9ne, who said it worked...

I shall add that code to the file this weekend:)

@Crego - Yes...I forgot to change that in the install file, but I shall at the weekend...That was part of a hack I had installed...


11-05-2002, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by CRego3D

I had t do the same to work :/

What version of VB are you running? I am still running 2.27...

(Maybe from 2.27 - 2.28, something was changed where 2.27 users need to add that also)

11-05-2002, 03:28 PM
This is really weird, can someone tell me, is global.php hacked in this version 3? If it is it seemed to include the signature image globally for me, that's why the signature image does work for me in userCP :confused:

11-05-2002, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by mADmAX`

What version of VB are you running? I am still running 2.27...

(Maybe from 2.27 - 2.28, something was changed where 2.27 users need to add that also)

2.2.8 .. I woudl really liek to know why it needs that code .. it is working .. but still :p .. hehe

trying to get this to work, so we can used it on yaxay 2 .. hopefully we will be able to export it to our gallery/tuts as well :D

11-05-2002, 10:14 PM
Here is the current problem I'm having, that I could use some help with. After I edited the member.php file, and I've followed it to the teeth 4 times now, I get the following error when I go to the user CP and click options >>

Database error in vBulletin: Invalid SQL: SELECT user.signatureid,signaturepath,NOT ISNULL(signaturedata) AS hascustom,customsignature.dateline
FROM user
LEFT JOIN signature ON signature.signatureid=user.signatureid
LEFT JOIN customsignature ON customsignature.userid=user.userid
WHERE user.userid='1'
mysql error: Unknown column 'user.signatureid' in 'field list'
mysql error number: 1054
Date: Tuesday 05th of November 2002 07:11:11 PM
Script: /forum/member.php?action=editoptions
Referer: http://www.hr3rdgen.org/forum/usercp.php?

I'm not sure what I can do to correct this problem or fix it. Anyone give some advice?

11-05-2002, 10:23 PM
ALTER TABLE user ADD signatureid smallint(6) NOT NULL

Run that query as it seems you are missing that one.

Also make sure you ran all other queries in the queries.txt file.

Hope that helps...

11-05-2002, 10:59 PM
Thank you, as that seems to have sovled my problem

11-05-2002, 11:01 PM
NP, just glad I can finally return some help...

11-05-2002, 11:56 PM
Hurm, I have everything setup, and installed, I can upload sigs, and all, no errors.

Only thing not happening is that there is no image appearing in my sig, its simplay blank.

However in usercp and all that it shows the sig image I uploaded, but in a post, no banner


11-06-2002, 12:45 AM
Do you have any text in your signature?

I believe when it checks to see if you have anything in your signature and says no...your image wont appear.

Add something to your normal signature and see...

11-06-2002, 01:29 AM
no, at first i had no text, so I added some, still notta

Chris M
11-06-2002, 12:37 PM
@Vile - You cannot run them as one query...

Each line is a Seperate Query...

Also - There is one of the queries, that looks like it is a single query, then it has a line or two beneath it...

That MUST be included in the query as One Entire Query



11-06-2002, 12:49 PM
Chris, please change your Sig, yo are way beyond the limitations.

Look into the announcement forum to see the exact limitations or follow the link in my sig ;)

11-06-2002, 06:49 PM
Still no takers on why the signature image doesn't display, yet i have no errors, and can upload signatures just fine.

Just not showing up in the postbit's

11-07-2002, 05:12 AM
Originally posted by hellsatan
@Vile - You cannot run them as one query...

Each line is a Seperate Query...

Also - There is one of the queries, that looks like it is a single query, then it has a line or two beneath it...

That MUST be included in the query as One Entire Query



Doh! Stupid me. Thanks for that.

One more Q Hellsatan..

I installed the hack, and uploaded a sig and "allowed" admins to use the sig, but when I try to select one in admin cp, it says "The administrator has disabled the use of signature images."
Is there another place i need to enable it?

btw, both

Can use the Signature Image System?


Can have a Custom Signature Image?

are set to Yes.


Chris M
11-08-2002, 08:27 AM
You need to make sure that Signatures are enabled via the Admin Cp;)


Chris M
11-08-2002, 08:34 AM
@HR3rdGen - I have no idea why this is happening:(

I believe (though unconfirmed) that this hack conflicts with one of the following hacks:

Avatar Categories
Attachments as Files

Why I have no idea, but someone I know tried to install it after installing PPN's Attachments as Files hack...

The only thing I can suggest, is that you revert back to your backed up files, and start again...Perhaps you missed a step out somewhere?


11-08-2002, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by hellsatan
You need to make sure that Signatures are enabled via the Admin Cp;)


:D That's already enabled.

When I manually changed the sig via Admin CP, it said it was successful, and all was fine, but it doesn't show up. It's the same problem HR3rdGen is having.

Thanks for your help.

Chris M
11-08-2002, 04:13 PM

My guess is that you may have missed out a step...

Until I investigate this further (installing on a heavily hacked board), all i can say is try re-installing it;)


11-09-2002, 04:31 PM
hmm, the readme:


"3.0B - Show Signatures.txt"
"3.0 - Usergroup override - permissions.txt"

Then upload the admin/signature.php to the admin folder, and signature.php to the vB root folder


Well i did that, i put the files you listed in the main vb directory since you dont specify where to upload them and well nothing happens :(

11-09-2002, 04:32 PM
oh i see u have to do loads of other stuf, bah

11-10-2002, 03:36 PM
this hack is not easy to install ;) .. got a ton of steps to go thru :p

Chris M
11-10-2002, 04:03 PM
Indeed...It isnt easy...

But it is easier than the BETA;)


11-13-2002, 03:31 AM
So do we have an update for what changes need to be made to usercp.php (and where to put them) ?

11-13-2002, 12:11 PM
Seems very interesting I may use that and test everything for my upcoming surprise..hehhe

11-13-2002, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by hellsatan
Do you mean as in not enable signatures?


Just remove the following from the "post_signature" template:


and add it to the postbit template, where you want it to appear;)

Then edit the postbit_signatureimg template, and remove the :

<br> at the beginning...:)


is there a way we can make the $post[signatureimg] work from the postbit_signature template if you dont' have a sig ? I have a graphical seperator, and if I use the technique you describe here, it wont' show .. if I put it on the postbit (the seperator) then it will show for those who have no sig .. can we do somethign about it ?

Chris M
11-15-2002, 05:42 PM

Im not sure I understand...


11-15-2002, 08:18 PM

you guys made it so it wont work if there is no signature text

how do I revert it so it does .. I do not wish to use the code straight on the postbit since it would mess the rest of my sig components

Chris M
11-15-2002, 08:31 PM
And I posted how to revert it...

I suppose you could make the "$postbit[signature]" part of the admin/functions.php file to a value of"$postbit[signatureimg]" when they dont put in a signature, but I designed it so that it was either Posbit or in the Signature itself...


11-16-2002, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by hellsatan
Do you mean as in not enable signatures?


Just remove the following from the "post_signature" template:


and add it to the postbit template, where you want it to appear;)

Then edit the postbit_signatureimg template, and remove the :

<br> at the beginning...:)


Hell Satan

you posted the above .. and I understand it .. my problem is, i have other things in my "postbit_signature" if I put "$post[signatureimg]" on the postbit directly, when I have an image, it will sure display it .. but not the rest I have on "postbit_signature"

what I need is a way to keep "$post[signatureimg]" IN postbit_signature" and have the image work if there is no text in the signature box

please let me knwo if I am still confusing you here

you say
I suppose you could make the "$postbit[signature]" part of the admin/functions.php file to a value of"$postbit[signatureimg]" when they dont put in a signature woudl this do it ?, and if so .. can you teach me how ?

Chris M
11-16-2002, 11:27 AM
I am not sure whether it would do it, but here goes...

Remember to backup your file first;)

Open admin/functions.php
} else {
$post[signature] = $sigcache["$post[userid]"];
} else {
$post[signature] = "";
replace with:
} else {
$post[signature] = $sigcache["$post[userid]"];
} else {
$post[signature] = "$post[signatureimg]";
That may work, that may not...I havent tested it...


11-16-2002, 12:50 PM
ok, we are 99% there :D

it will display the $post[signatureimg] indeed .. but it will not display the full content of ""postbit_signature"" (becuase it is not what is lookign for I guess)

so in essence it works the same as if I had put the $post[signatureimg] in the postibit

I truly appreciate you trying to help :)

Chris M
11-16-2002, 06:29 PM

I shall have a think...

Perhaps I can enlist the help of some friends;)


Chris M
11-16-2002, 06:37 PM

Try this!
Open admin/functions.php
} else {
$post[signature] = $sigcache["$post[userid]"];
} else {
$post[signature] = "";
Replace with:
} else {
$post[signature] = $sigcache["$post[userid]"];
} else {
$post[signature] = "$post[signatureimg]";
eval("\$post[signature] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signature")."\";");


11-17-2002, 02:48 AM
I guess it is not ment to be :)

the code as you gave me it woudl give 2 signature pics ..

like this would show fine

} else {
$post[signature] = $sigcache["$post[userid]"];
} else {
$post[signature] = "";
eval("\$post[signature] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signature")."\";");

BUT .. this also means that EVERY post would include the "postbit_signature" (therefore, a post of a user with no signature, will show the extra stuff I have on it wich is suposed to be used with a signature)

If it cant' be done it's fine I'll revert to somethign else :p .. I just wish I knew on your code what did n9ne change to make the pic not show if you dont' have sig text

Chris M
11-17-2002, 08:34 AM
I will investigate...

I am sure there is a logical way around it...:)


11-19-2002, 09:40 AM
working great on 2.2.8 with avatar cat. hack added before.

11-21-2002, 09:47 PM
well i followed everything to a T on my site and it's not working...
I'm running vbportal 3.0 Beta 2 and vbulletin 2.2.8
Well i did manage to go back and do a uninstall then reinstalled everything and it's all working now except the image is not showing up in the signature image in the user cp postbit.
I don't have any other hacks installed on this board either...

11-22-2002, 06:25 AM
Well ?????????? come on i know ya can figure this one out...

11-22-2002, 08:13 PM
for image not show in your user cp postbit, try one of the suggestion
try this one

then it should work. also if u don't have add an image to your sig, it will not display.

11-23-2002, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by LangTuDaTinh
for image not show in your user cp postbit, try one of the suggestion
try this one

then it should work. also if u don't have add an image to your sig, it will not display.

Thanks bro that is what was missing... it all works now :) ehehe

Chris M
11-23-2002, 11:29 AM
Yes...I forgot to update the Zip File...

Glad it works for you;):)


Chris M
11-23-2002, 11:48 AM
v3+ comes out!
v3+ is really just the following:

Converting of all install files to .php format (to prevent code parsing)
Creation of an extra folder (root) to house the root/signature.php file (so you dont get confused with the install .php files)
The root/usercp.php modifcation I forgot to include



11-23-2002, 12:56 PM
Umm ok so this v3+ thing, the userCP thing already worked for me...converting of all install files, doesn't affect me lol, I already installed it, creation of an extra folder to house the root/signature.php ??? Could you explain this? Thanks :D

11-23-2002, 01:02 PM
Does anyone mind helping me fill this code in?

$referers = array ('www.yoursite.com','yoursite.com','your.sites.ip. address');

My website is http://caz.psyker.net, or http://www.psyker.net/caz

Thanks. These instructions are very vague, and they also, in more places than one, don't support already updated areas of the php files--instead, support replacing huge fields with the provided one. Also, one area of the instructions placed an extra "}" where it should not have been.

Chris M
11-23-2002, 01:19 PM
Where was the extra instruction error?:)

The areas I am asking you to replace were done on an unhacked vBulletin board...As a hacker, I cannot possibly know what hacks you have installed that may affect that area of code, so I provide something that should be there by default...Perhaps the area of code you are having trouble with is modified somehow - How about posting the code you are meant to find, and the code you have?

The referrers array (code you wanted) :

$referers = array ('www.psyker.net','psyker.net','');

I used MSDOS to ping your site for the IP address incase you are wondering how I got it;)

@N9ne - The usercp.php thing I recommend installing anyway...
The file convertions will affect new installs...
The new folder is purely for ease - All the install files used to be in the .txt format, and signature.php was among them - Now, they are all .php format - Some people may get confused, and think either:

A) signature.php is another modification to a non-specified file, and ask in the thread wasting their time and mine
B) signature.php and all the other .php files are files to be uploaded, and wonder why the hack wont work

I simply made a "root" folder, which I put signature.php in, so that the .php files in the main folder are seen as Instructions, not .php files to be uploaded...


11-23-2002, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by hellsatan
Where was the extra instruction error?:)

The areas I am asking you to replace were done on an unhacked vBulletin board...As a hacker, I cannot possibly know what hacks you have installed that may affect that area of code, so I provide something that should be there by default...Perhaps the area of code you are having trouble with is modified somehow - How about posting the code you are meant to find, and the code you have?

The referrers array (code you wanted) :

$referers = array ('www.psyker.net','psyker.net','');

I used MSDOS to ping your site for the IP address incase you are wondering how I got it;)

@N9ne - The usercp.php thing I recommend installing anyway...
The file convertions will affect new installs...
The new folder is purely for ease - All the install files used to be in the .txt format, and signature.php was among them - Now, they are all .php format - Some people may get confused, and think either:

A) signature.php is another modification to a non-specified file, and ask in the thread wasting their time and mine
B) signature.php and all the other .php files are files to be uploaded, and wonder why the hack wont work

I simply made a "root" folder, which I put signature.php in, so that the .php files in the main folder are seen as Instructions, not .php files to be uploaded...


Thanks :) I pinged the IP address too, but I got a 66.* address.

One error is here:


if ($modifyavatar!="") {
} else {

replace with:

if ($modifyavatar!="") {
} elseif($modifysignature!="") {



The "find" you have does not include the ending "}" character, while the replace, in fact, does. Things like this could cause major errors if people aren't paying complete attention like I am.

Chris M
11-23-2002, 01:48 PM


Chris M
11-23-2002, 01:49 PM
*Updated .zip File:)*


11-23-2002, 02:04 PM
Also, Satan, you might want to add this to the modifications.txt file:


It's not currently in there, but it should be.

As a suggestion, to make the tables in the UserCP like the other tables (so that the outline is the right specified color), use this code instead of the one N9ne made:

<table cellpadding="{tableouterborderwidth}" width="100%" bgcolor="{tablebordercolor}" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center"><tr><td>
<table cellspacing="{tableinnerborderwidth}" cellpadding="4" border="0" width="100%">
<tr id="cat">
<td bgcolor="{categorybackcolor}" colspan="0">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
<tr id="cat">
<td><a href="private.php?s=$session[sessionhash]"><normalfont color="{categoryfontcolor}"><b>Your Signature Image</b></normalfont></a></td>
<td align="right"><a href="member.php?s=&action=editsignature"><b><smallfont color="{categoryfontcolor}">Change your signature image</smallfont></b></a></td>
<tr align="left" valign="bottom">
<td bgcolor="{secondaltcolor}" colspan="2"><normalfont><img src="$bbuserinfo[signatureurl]" border="0" alt=""></td>


Chris M
11-23-2002, 02:52 PM
!!! - I realised the error, thats why 3.0+ was released - It already has the usercp.php change:)

And the N9ne code error was due to vBulletin parsing the { imagesfolder } variable - I have now put all changes in .php format so they are not parsed:)


11-23-2002, 11:01 PM
So it wasn't my fault eh:D

11-23-2002, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by N9ne
So it wasn't my fault eh:D

Your ugly table was :)

11-23-2002, 11:53 PM
My table looked fine for me though...;)

Chris M
11-24-2002, 08:20 AM
As it did for me:)

@!!! - Have you made other graphical modifications to your Usercp template? If so, this could be why it didnt look right;)


11-24-2002, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by hellsatan
As it did for me:)

@!!! - Have you made other graphical modifications to your Usercp template? If so, this could be why it didnt look right;)


Hm, not really...but that's not why it didn't work right. He didn't use the right color for the main outside-table...and aside from that, I fixed a few things in the table to make it setup nicer (like the other tables in the CP).

Chris M
11-24-2002, 12:01 PM
I see...Well the colour would have been due to vB.org parsing the code...

Hence why all files are in .php format;)


11-24-2002, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by hellsatan
I see...Well the colour would have been due to vB.org parsing the code...

Hence why all files are in .php format;)


Hmm...well, you have in your *.txt file the html code to place the table in the usercp. For me, the cellspacing color was incorrect because, I'm assuming n9ne either has the cellspacing color the same as a background color (or, just eliminated cellspacing all together), the main table that the "smaller" table is fitting in had the incorrect color (I'm using this word too much! :nervous:) for the background color.

So, what I did was use the other tables in the usercp and set the signature one up like them.
Some people, like me (sadly), do use black cellspacing! :)

But, whatever. I suppose if it bothers people (as it bothered me), they can spend the time to edit it theirself.

Chris M
11-24-2002, 05:08 PM

Hopefully everyone will find it good - Btw: You dont have to install it;) - That is just an optional addon...


11-24-2002, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by hellsatan

Hopefully everyone will find it good - Btw: You dont have to install it;) - That is just an optional addon...


Yeah...just giving you a suggestion. You don't have to pursue it, just an optional addon... ;)

Chris M
11-24-2002, 06:15 PM

Im not a HTML guru, so if you wanna provide the HTML to an alternative usercp template mod, please do:)


11-24-2002, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by hellsatan

Im not a HTML guru, so if you wanna provide the HTML to an alternative usercp template mod, please do:)


Um I already did. Which is why I'm so annoyed now.

Check page six.

Chris M
11-24-2002, 06:38 PM
Ah ok:)


11-25-2002, 12:39 AM
i just found an error, in /admin/user.php you must replace with this code
if ($modifyavatar) {
$action = "avatar";
else if ($modifysignature) {
$action = "signature";
else {
$action = "modify";

Chris M
11-28-2002, 06:30 PM
Actually LangTuDaTinh - You can replace it with:

if ($modifyavatar) {
$action = "avatar";
} else {
$action = "modify";
if ($modifysignature) {
$action = "signature";
} else {
$action = "modify";

That does work...


11-28-2002, 08:01 PM
i tried that but when i go to admin cp and tried to modify user avatar, it doesn't work. (error seems like $action="avatar" doesn't run) but when i change to the code that i put above, i can modify avatar and signature both .

Chris M
11-28-2002, 08:26 PM

It works for everyone else I do believe...:(


if ($modifyavatar) {
$action = "avatar";
} else {
$action = "modify";
if ($modifysignature) {
$action = "signature";
} else {
$action = "modify";


11-28-2002, 09:37 PM
something is wrong /w height checking...my users was able to update an image /w any height ...the width checking is correct...and yes, i did set max height and width in admin cp options.

11-28-2002, 09:41 PM
tried that i but it doesn't work cause it's missing a close bracket ( } ),

somehow my height checking code doesn't work because my users can upload an image larger than my max height.

which code should i check ?

thanks hellsatan

11-28-2002, 10:04 PM
ok, i tried with setting wide = 400 , height = 60

result : ok /w images' size: 400x50, 400x 70, 400x100, 300x200, 400x399
fail with images' size: 500x70, 401x40, 400x401,

so the result is they use only 1 width setting. for both width and height.

how can i fix this ...

setting width 60 , height 100

fail : 60x200, 61x200, 50x200, 61x101, 100x101
pass: 100x99, 100x20

now if the height setting from admin cp is larger than width

it only check for height and skip width....

what is the problem????

11-28-2002, 10:05 PM
and can u explain more to me about this setting...like what will it do if i put 5 and 5 in the box

Display Height
How many rows of signature images do you wish to display to the user when selecting a signature?

Display Width
How many columns of signature images do you wish to display to the user when selecting a signature?

11-28-2002, 10:14 PM
There is an edit button you know ;)

Chris M
11-29-2002, 09:04 PM
I dont know why your height variable does not work...

I works for other people:(

And the first code I posted does work...

Perhaps you should try a total re-install?


11-30-2002, 02:51 PM
Great hack keep up the good work. :cool:

Chris M
11-30-2002, 07:26 PM


12-03-2002, 07:59 PM
thanks i test it now

12-03-2002, 10:41 PM
Just installed today. Has anyone figured out how to make the image appear if there is no text signature defined?

Also, I think you mentioned before v3 came out that you were going to add the ability to make the image a link. Any progress on that feature?

12-04-2002, 05:43 PM
Oooops. Wrong thread.

12-06-2002, 03:50 PM
heres a question maybe someone can help me with

got the hack installed on ym board (2.2.9) and works fine. ive got alot of peeps on the board using flash sigs and what have you. what id like to do is grandafather them in somehow

i can remove the manual signature fields in the edit profiles stuff, so new peeps would have to go through the signature system hack to put in new signatures.

the problem is, when old users want to replace their sigs using the signature hack functions, it doesnt delete the old one, it just displays both signatures. any ideas?

also, has this hack been made to support flash sigs yet?

Chris M
12-06-2002, 05:37 PM
@Palyntir - Unfortunately, I dont know how to add a Flash function to the allowed files - I dont know if it is wise either...

You will have to edit the member.php, register.php, and admin/user.php files, and remove the update queries on a Signature field - It isnt advisable - Just delete the signature field from the template, and then run a Query to set all user signatures to blank...

UPDATE user SET signature='0'

That will set all the signatures to blank (not the signature images though)

If you want to do it on a user by user basis, do the following query for the specific user (Remember to replace "X" with the userid)
UPDATE user SET signature='0' WHERE userid=X



12-06-2002, 05:52 PM
How about allowing blank text sigs and sig images (now if the text sig is blank the sig image doesn't show).

I thought I was close, but ended up with it working in all but the initial post of the thread.



I appear to have the size check problem as well. What other hacks are you running?

12-06-2002, 05:52 PM
thansk, hell...your query worked, but it left a big "0" where ever sig used to be...is there a way to just remove that?

nm, i got it

/me slaps forehead

great hack, thanks.

12-06-2002, 06:10 PM
nevermind, i havent fixed it

i can set the sig field to " " or blank in the query, but then it wont show a sig when i put in a new one. if i set it to "0", it will show the sig, but it will also show the "0" above it...


12-06-2002, 06:14 PM
That's the problem I've been posting about. If the text sig is blank, the sig image doesn't show.

There's got to be some conditional where it checks for the sig being blank that we can add a check for sig image (I thought I found it in the functions.php, but it doesn't seem to work 100%)

Chris M
12-06-2002, 06:29 PM
You can just do the following:

Edit the "postbit_signature" template:
Edit the "postbit" template:
where you want it to show



Crazy Pete
12-06-2002, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by ptenthus
That's the problem I've been posting about. If the text sig is blank, the sig image doesn't show.

There's got to be some conditional where it checks for the sig being blank that we can add a check for sig image (I thought I found it in the functions.php, but it doesn't seem to work 100%)

Same problem here, I hadn't even thought of checking that until I read through this thread. Sure enough, even though the sig image shows up in my CP, if my regular sig text is empty, the image doesn't show in the posts. Only a blank spot where it's supposed to be. I don't seem to have the size/height problem, but haven't tried that yet either.

12-06-2002, 06:54 PM
the alterations work, hellsatan, but i gues its a less than elegant solution. it'll work until something better comes along. thanks alot!

one more thing, what about people who just want text sigs? i mean quotes or words instead of images?

the biggest problem with this hack seems to be that its just a flat out war to get it reconciled with the existing sig functions in vbb...

if i wipe every existing sig and remove the existing sig functions, i get that blasted ")" in my sig fields on the boards...

if i move that to code to postbit, i have to manually insert the white barrier above the sig code into the html...

if i then go back and try to put in an old sig via the admin panel, the old functions insert a new white barrier above that sig, while the one i had to manually insert into the postbit template appears below...

plus, putting sigs in manually using the admin cp, they dont show up in the sig panel in the usercp, just the dead link. its just gonna confuse the hell out of people.

and, now, with the postbit hack, sigs put in the admin cp only appear in some posts....i gotta guy with four posts on one thread, the sig shows in some posts, like first, third and fourth, but not second...no idea whats causing that...

this is a great hack and it would really be usedful if it was possible to work it into the existing site functionality, or have them interact somehow.

or, this would fix everything, if you could have one or the other work by default or by user, that way, you could use the admin panel to handle text sigs and flash or anything, and have the usercp hack for new members...or whatever...a function to disable basic sig functionality on the board without disabling the hack and vice versa...

is this possible?

as it is, its just a monster headache getting it to work properly. still havent been able to do it.

Chris M
12-06-2002, 07:20 PM

Im not really sure what you want - :confused:

Do you want either:
1.) Users can only have Signature Images
2.) Users can have both, but only editable on the "Edit Signature" screen
3.) None of the Above



Crazy Pete
12-06-2002, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by hellsatan

Im not really sure what you want - :confused:

Do you want either:
1.) Users can only have Signature Images
2.) Users can have both, but only editable on the "Edit Signature" screen
3.) None of the Above



#2 would be ideal. They could have only text, or text/image, or only image, but only editable on the "Edit Signature" screen.

12-06-2002, 07:24 PM
That's the way I think it should work.

Chris M
12-06-2002, 07:32 PM

I will see what I can do:) - I might not get it done though;)


12-06-2002, 07:42 PM
ok i figured out the some posts missing sigs thing..it was a quick reply issue...

/me smacks forehead again...

so i guess we're down to the two problems

1. no text sigs in the new hack, imageless sigs

2. sigs put in by admin cp do not show up in the usercp (this is a biggy in an imperfect world)

3. no sig barrier (the white line) in sigs put in by usercp once you make the postbit template correction to correct the big fat "0" you get by resetting user sigs in php...i mean, you can insert one, but then sigs inserted by admin cp will have two...

oh, thats three problems

also, way to support satan. thanks alot for your help and hack...mucho gracias

Chris M
12-06-2002, 07:49 PM
Im not sure why number 2 is happening:confused:

I dont think that is related to this hack:)


12-06-2002, 07:55 PM
i think it is..at least, its related to something the hack doesnt do...

if you manually put in the sig in the admin cp by editing the profile, it doesnt register with the hack, meaning it isnt uploaded to the system and displayed in the usercp...if the hack interracted with the existing admin functions for adding sigs, wouldnt that be resolved? just a simple check to the db for images when you load the usercp or something...if i was a hax0r id work it out myself...unfortunately, im sort of dumb..

Chris M
12-06-2002, 08:08 PM
I see...

What you mean is that if you add a Sig Image via the Admin CP, it doesnt show in the UserCP...

Unfortunately, it wasnt part of the original hack:( - N9ne coded the template modification, and someone else did the usercp.php modification - I would have to take a look at the usercp modification to get it to work properly:)


12-06-2002, 08:23 PM
yup thats it...thanks for having alook.

also, where would i look to change the image path to clear.gif...cant seem to find it...

Chris M
12-06-2002, 08:26 PM
The styles:)

Admin CP:)


12-06-2002, 08:36 PM
the styles?

you mean templates? no matter what I do the path to the image remains http://images/clear.gif without the proper branching for my forum. did i miss something, you think?

Chris M
12-06-2002, 08:39 PM
You have to modify the styles in the "images path" section...

Also make sure you have the "Bulletin Board Url" section filled in:)


12-06-2002, 08:47 PM
i do. i've got both of those filled out. doyou mean the url info in the signature.php...if so im pretty sure i have that done as well...my board is http://ladder.iglnet.com/forums if youd like to have a look.

Chris M
12-06-2002, 08:58 PM

Im not sure whats wrong then:confused:


12-06-2002, 09:07 PM
me neither, but its driving me nuts!! haha one little thing and ill be done

the problem seems to be that its looking for http://images/clear.gif instead of just images/clear.gif...but im not sure where to look to change that..its not in the templates, i dont think

12-06-2002, 10:11 PM
found it. it was in usercp.php

the section beginning

// ############################### start signature ###############################

if ($bbuserinfo[signatureurl]=="") {

needed to be replaced with this:

// ############################### start signature ###############################

if ($bbuserinfo[signatureurl]=="") {

where "images" = {"imagesfolder"} without "" (this board wont let me type in the exact code.

Chris M
12-07-2002, 11:18 AM
I see:)

Thank you for that;)

I will update the file:)


12-07-2002, 09:41 PM
Thanks for the hack, but I got an error.

When I go to my user cp it gives this error:

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.8:

Invalid SQL: SELECT user.signatureid,signaturepath,NOT ISNULL(signaturedata) AS hascustom,customsignature.dateline
FROM user
LEFT JOIN signature ON signature.signatureid=user.signatureid
LEFT JOIN customsignature ON customsignature.userid=user.userid
WHERE user.userid='1'
mysql error: Unknown column 'user.signatureid' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Date: Sunday 08th of December 2002 12:36:53 AM
Script: http://localhost/public/test/forum/public/test/forum/usercp.php?
Referer: http://localhost/public/test/forum/showthread.php?postid=101

What did I do wrong? I followed all the instructions..

Thanks in advance.

Chris M
12-07-2002, 09:43 PM
Have you made sure that you ran the MySQL Queries?


12-07-2002, 09:45 PM
Wow fast responce, I'm pretty sure I've added them all. Any idea what I could do? Add them again or so?

Thanks in advance.

Chris M
12-07-2002, 09:50 PM

You should try re-doing the queries;)

Perhaps it will correct the problem:)

If not, Im not quite sure whats wrong:confused:


12-08-2002, 05:45 AM
LOL, I forgot to run this query:

ALTER TABLE user ADD signatureid smallint(6) NOT NULL

Heh thanks for the help.

Chris M
12-08-2002, 12:20 PM
No problems:)

Glad you found the problem;)


Crazy Pete
12-09-2002, 01:26 PM
hellsatan, I just noticed another problem. I have the dimension settings set at a max width of 468 and a max height of 200. Yet someone on my board managed to get a signature image that's 210 wide but 300 high. Any ideas why/how, or how to fix that? :) Thanks.

12-09-2002, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Crazy Pete
hellsatan, I just noticed another problem. I have the dimension settings set at a max width of 468 and a max height of 200. Yet someone on my board managed to get a signature image that's 210 wide but 300 high. Any ideas why/how, or how to fix that? :) Thanks.

heheheh read my post above.... i have the same problem....

Chris M
12-12-2002, 12:58 PM
@Crazy Pete - This seems to be a recurring problem, only experienced by some users...

Myself and a few other people have yet to be able to re-create this problem...

I shall see if I can find out what causes it;)


Crazy Pete
12-12-2002, 02:10 PM
@hellsatan - Thanks!

Chris M
12-12-2002, 02:32 PM
No problems:)


12-15-2002, 03:41 AM
When I ran the fourth query I got this error

SQL-query :

INSERT INTO settinggroup (settinggroupid,title,displayorder) VALUES (103,'Signatures','27')

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorde r) VALUES (NULL,103,'Enable Signatures','signatureenabled','1','Use this option to enable/disable the overall use of signature images.<br><br>Signature Images can be uploaded via the Admin Panel or the User Control Panel','yesno','1')

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorde r) VALUES (NULL,103,'Minimum custom posts','signaturecustomposts','','Minimum number of posts that a user required before they can specify a custom signature image for use.','','2')

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorde r) VALUES (NULL,103,'Allow uploads','signatureallowupload','1','Allow Signature Image uploads?','yesno','3')

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorde r) VALUES (NULL,103,'Allow website uploads','signatureallowwebsite','1','Allow users to upload their signature image from another website?','yesno','4')

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorde r) VALUES (NULL,103,'Maximum Image Width','signaturemaxwidth','400','Enter the maximum width value in pixels for a Signature image. Set this to 0 for no limit','','5')

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorde r) VALUES (NULL,103,'Maximum Image Height','signaturemaxheight','','Enter the maximum height value in pixels for a Signature image. Set this to 0 for no limit','','5')

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorde r) VALUES (NULL,103,'Display Height','numsignatureshigh','5','How many rows of signature images do you wish to display to the user when selecting a signature?','','7')

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorde r) VALUES (NULL,103,'Display Width','numsignatureswide'

MySQL said:
You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,op' at line 2

anyone know the answer to this?

Crazy Pete
12-15-2002, 03:49 AM
@ L-Mane, try those queries again, but instead of ending them each with just ), make sure they all end in );

That should do the trick.

Chris M
12-15-2002, 02:54 PM
They are really meant to be run seperately:)

If you do as Crazy Pete suggested, it should work:)

@Crazy Pete - No luck yet:( Still looking;)


12-23-2002, 07:09 AM
I got it

Chris M
12-23-2002, 04:22 PM
You got what?


Crazy Pete
12-23-2002, 04:23 PM
I think he means he got the queries to work correctly?

Chris M
12-23-2002, 05:44 PM

Sorry Pete - Still no luck yet:(

I won't be able to look over the next day (machine getting killed and re-installed again):(


12-24-2002, 01:20 AM
Yeah I got them to work. How would I go about uninstalling the queries because we got some issues going on and I want to make sure that it isn't something I did.

Chris M
12-24-2002, 04:35 PM

For the Queries you ran, just change the "ADD" to "DROP", and remove anything after the row name;)

i.e. ALTER TABLE user DROP sigimage
(or whatever it was - i forget:p)


Chris M
12-30-2002, 09:53 AM
I think I've found the Fix for the Height/Width issue - Apparently sometimes you couldn't restrict the height or width, and I think this is the fix:

In root/member.php find:

if ($imginfo=@getimagesize($filename)) {
if ($imginfo[0]>$signaturemaxwidth and $imginfo[0]>$signaturemaxheight or $imginfo[1]>$signaturemaxwidth and $imginfo[1]>$signaturemaxheight) {
Replace with:
if ($imginfo=@getimagesize($filename)) {
if ($imginfo[0]>$signaturemaxwidth or $imginfo[1]>$signaturemaxheight) {



01-01-2003, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by HR3rdGen
Still no takers on why the signature image doesn't display, yet i have no errors, and can upload signatures just fine.

Just not showing up in the postbit's

I have the same problem here! All installed ok, I can upload images and they show up in usercp, but nothing shows up in the posts... I have a ordinary textsignature from before. Care to answer hellsatan?

01-02-2003, 12:47 AM
This is a very nice hack..

Chris M
01-02-2003, 09:06 AM
I don't know why it isn't showing up:bored::(


01-02-2003, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by hellsatan
I don't know why it isn't showing up:bored::(


Well, at least it was a honest answer.... :( Think I will keep it installed.... Maybe someone will find the answer to this problem soon....

Chris M
01-02-2003, 12:34 PM
I will keep searching:(


01-02-2003, 12:37 PM
Thanx m8! :)

01-06-2003, 01:11 AM
if user don't have custom sig then this sig image will not display in postbit. is there a way to bypass this.

thanks for your fix on height.

01-06-2003, 01:24 AM
no need, found a way to do it....thanks anyway.

Chris M
01-08-2003, 05:34 PM
Could you telll how you found out?:)


01-12-2003, 08:56 AM
Nevermind. :D staring at code for 8 hours causes one to make silly mistakes.

Great hack, bud, though your docs could use some polish. ;)

Chris M
01-12-2003, 12:52 PM
Yeh...I didn't have much time to create proper ones:bored:

I will some day soon:D


01-13-2003, 02:46 PM
satan please i have a big problem with your hack contact me by mail :(

01-13-2003, 03:03 PM
how i can delete all querys of this hack from my database? some one can post me a killer query?

01-15-2003, 07:43 PM
I get this error when I try to open a thread:

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.9:

Invalid SQL:
post.*,post.username AS postusername,post.ipaddress AS ip,user.*,userfield.*,icon.title as icontitle,icon.iconpath,
attachment.attachmentid,attachment.filename,attach ment.visible AS attachmentvisible,attachment.counter
,avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar,customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline
,signature.signaturepath,NOT ISNULL(customsignature.signaturedata) AS hascustomsignature,customsignature.dateline AS signaturedateline
,signature.signaturepath,NOT ISNULL(customsignature.signaturedata) AS hascustomsignature,customsignature.dateline AS signaturedateline
FROM post
LEFT JOIN icon ON icon.iconid=post.iconid
LEFT JOIN user ON user.userid=post.userid
LEFT JOIN userfield ON userfield.userid=user.userid
LEFT JOIN avatar ON avatar.avatarid=user.avatarid
LEFT JOIN customavatar ON customavatar.userid=user.userid
LEFT JOIN signature ON signature.signatureid=user.signatureid
LEFT JOIN customsignature ON customsignature.userid=user.userid
LEFT JOIN signature ON signature.signatureid=user.signatureid
LEFT JOIN customsignature ON customsignature.userid=user.userid
LEFT JOIN attachment ON attachment.attachmentid=post.attachmentid
WHERE post.postid IN (0,202,245,252)
ORDER BY dateline

mysql error: Not unique table/alias: 'signature'

mysql error number: 1066

Date: Wednesday 15th of January 2003 01:14:15 PM
Script: http://www.eo-gaming.com/forum/forum/showthread.php?threadid=50
Referer: http://www.eo-gaming.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?forumid=12

Also, the signature options aren't displaying when I go to "Edit Profile" ... Can anyone help me out?

Chris M
01-17-2003, 04:50 PM
The Signature Options will show in the "Edit Options" screen, and that is because you have incorrectly edited the file...

You have inserted 2 sets of the edited data;)

,signature.signaturepath,NOT ISNULL(customsignature.signaturedata) AS hascustomsignature,customsignature.dateline AS signaturedateline
,signature.signaturepath,NOT ISNULL(customsignature.signaturedata) AS hascustomsignature,customsignature.dateline AS signaturedateline
^ Duplicate lines (delete one)
LEFT JOIN customavatar ON customavatar.userid=user.userid
LEFT JOIN signature ON signature.signatureid=user.signatureid
LEFT JOIN customsignature ON customsignature.userid=user.userid
LEFT JOIN signature ON signature.signatureid=user.signatureid
^Duplicate line sets (delete one set)


01-18-2003, 01:21 AM
Nope. I still get an error...

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.9:

Invalid SQL:
post.*,post.username AS postusername,post.ipaddress AS ip,user.*,userfield.*,icon.title as icontitle,icon.iconpath,
attachment.attachmentid,attachment.filename,attach ment.visible AS attachmentvisible,attachment.counter
,avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar,customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline
,signature.signaturepath,NOT ISNULL(customsignature.signaturedata) AS hascustomsignature,customsignature.dateline AS signaturedateline

LEFT JOIN icon ON icon.iconid=post.iconid
LEFT JOIN user ON user.userid=post.userid
LEFT JOIN userfield ON userfield.userid=user.userid
LEFT JOIN avatar ON avatar.avatarid=user.avatarid
LEFT JOIN customavatar ON customavatar.userid=user.userid
LEFT JOIN signature ON signature.signatureid=user.signatureid

LEFT JOIN customsignature ON customsignature.userid=user.userid
LEFT JOIN attachment ON attachment.attachmentid=post.attachmentid
WHERE post.postid IN (0,394,395,429)
ORDER BY dateline

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'LEFT JOIN icon ON icon.iconid=post.iconid
LEFT JOIN user ON user.userid=post.use' at line 8

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Friday 17th of January 2003 07:16:14 PM
Script: http://www.eo-gaming.com/forum/forum/showthread.php?threadid=78
Referer: http://www.eo-gaming.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?forumid=4

Chris M
01-18-2003, 01:24 PM
That isn't a fault caused by this hack...:(


01-31-2003, 03:51 AM
Does this hack have the ability to limit the size of an image in a sig and/or the amount of characters used?

Chris M
01-31-2003, 05:13 PM
This only has the ability to limit the size of the uploaded Signature image, either by pixel size, or file size, and will only allow images within the upload limit to be shown...



01-31-2003, 08:22 PM
any idea why I am getting this error?

Parse error: parse error in /usr/local/www/www.dtmpower.net/forum/member.php on line 818

Chris M
01-31-2003, 08:26 PM
Could you post the lines surrounding and including line 818 from member.php?:)


01-31-2003, 08:33 PM
Here you go :)

// draw cp nav bar
$cpmenu[3]="class=\"fjsel\" selected";
eval("\$cpnav = \"".gettemplate("usercpnav")."\";");


// ############################### start update options ###############################
if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['action']=="updateoptions") {
$templatesused = 'redirect_updatethanks';

if ($bbuserinfo[userid]==0 or $permissions['canmodifyprofile']==0) {


Chris M
01-31-2003, 08:55 PM
This is what I have...

// draw cp nav bar
$cpmenu[3]="class=\"fjsel\" selected";
eval("\$cpnav = \"".gettemplate("usercpnav")."\";");


// ############################### start update options ###############################
if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['action']=="updateoptions") {
$templatesused = 'redirect_updatethanks';

if ($bbuserinfo[userid]==0 or $permissions['canmodifyprofile']==0) {


Try replacing your code with mine...:)


01-31-2003, 10:29 PM
same error :(

Chris M
02-01-2003, 12:13 PM

I'm not sure...Perhaps someone else can help?:confused:


02-02-2003, 06:47 PM
WOW!!! THATS A TON OF CODE TO ADD! lol expected time 10-15 mins... took me more than an hour....

never the less.. GREAT HACK!!! I installed without any problems at all :)

02-06-2003, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by hellsatan
This only has the ability to limit the size of the uploaded Signature image, either by pixel size, or file size, and will only allow images within the upload limit to be shown...


oh okay. Thanks for the response. Maybe have a feature that limits it globally instead of just uploaded images.

Chris M
02-08-2003, 01:06 PM
Well...I am not totally sure, but I believe Herman/Herman Nation's (cant remember his username) Signature Limit hack may be what you are looking for;)

@Xelation - Good news:) Hmmm....an hour eh:p I know it took me a little while longer than the estimated time...Ah well - Will update it eventually:p



02-09-2003, 06:59 PM
ummm i dont have any of the code in my member.php your instructions say to look for. any suggestions?

02-10-2003, 02:03 AM
if someone says

run the install file in admin cp? that will add the necessary tables...

how do i do that?

Chris M
02-14-2003, 06:22 PM
@S1R1US - Upload the file to your /admin/ directory...

Then call that file via http://www.yoursite.tld/path-to-forum/admin/file.php:)


02-21-2003, 03:53 PM
thanks, that worked. Now at the end of the instructions there are query's to do. I've looked everywhere in the adminCP and see nowhere to do a query. What is it, how can i do it, and where.

Chris M
02-21-2003, 06:46 PM
You can either do it via PhpMyAdmin, or download the "SQL Query" hack by FireFly...


02-27-2003, 05:26 PM
hellsatan i went back and unstalled all queries and everything i had this hack installed before with 2.2.8 i upgraded a few days ago to vbulletin 2.3.0 and when going through most of the steps were the same i ran upon something somewhere i can't recall that was no longer in one of the files now i can't figure out how to get this working think ya can help me out ?

Chris M
03-02-2003, 06:00 PM
Could you post waht this difference is perhaps?

I'm not too sure about whether it will work for vB2.3.0...


03-02-2003, 09:00 PM
Yeah I tried this on 2.30 and ran into problems on functions so how will I go about uninstalling these queries?

03-03-2003, 01:29 PM
is there phpadmin or mysql hack for 2.2.9?

04-17-2003, 05:20 PM
This hack does work for 2.3.0! Im running it on my forum with no problems at all! Great hack hellsatan!

04-19-2003, 10:48 PM
Clip posted in wrong forum! LOL

04-20-2003, 12:20 AM
Rather than looking through all the posts, can this hack be installed via the vbhacker hack?

04-20-2003, 07:55 PM
i have a prob and that is i can upload a sign but it will not show up in my posts.

04-20-2003, 08:31 PM
i cannot find this in my member.php file


im using 2.3.0, please help...

Chris M
04-20-2003, 09:05 PM
@212rikanmofo :

Try searching for:



04-20-2003, 09:11 PM
anyone have any ideas why the sign's dont show for me in my topics?

04-21-2003, 12:39 AM
hellsatan, nope it couldnt find that either... arghh, what gives... :(

04-25-2003, 12:13 AM
just 4 words: "It ruined my site!"

04-25-2003, 01:57 AM
HC, what's happen man...?

Chris M
04-25-2003, 04:47 PM
I don't know why you get this problem, but other people do not:)

PHP Version perhaps?


04-25-2003, 09:31 PM
I am to find the following in member.php:



I cannot locate this code. I've looked for $signaturechecked in the hopes I could find some code that resembed what I am looking for, but cannot find it at all.

Suggestions... ?

Using VB 2.3.0

Edit: I cannot find anything related to signature in member.php with respects to what I am to find and replace. :(

04-26-2003, 12:27 AM
gemini same here, i cannot find that anywhere, sigh... please help us out...

04-26-2003, 03:58 AM
I just installed the hack and well it seems fine but when I goto my options to change my sig it says "The administrator has disabled the use of signature images." but in the CP I have the option for sigs turned on. Wasup wit this?

04-27-2003, 03:01 PM

04-28-2003, 11:12 PM

05-04-2003, 06:12 PM

if ($post[showsignature] and $allowsignatures and trim($post[signature])!="" and ($bbuserinfo[userid]==0 or $bbuserinfo[showsignatures])) {
if (!isset($sigcache["$post[userid]"])) {
eval("\$post[signature] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signature")."\";");
$sigcache["$post[userid]"] = $post[signature];
} else {
$post[signature] = $sigcache["$post[userid]"];

} else {

$post[signature] = "";


if ($post[showsignature] and $allowsignatures and trim($post[signature])!="" and ($bbuserinfo[userid]==0 or $bbuserinfo[showsignatures])) {
if (!isset($sigcache["$post[userid]"])) {
eval("\$post[signature] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signature")."\";");
$sigcache["$post[userid]"] = $post[signature];
} else {
$post[signature] = '';
} else {
if ($signatureurl!="") {
eval("\$post[signature] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signature")."\";");
// $post[signature] = "";

as u ca see, i added a new code in the last "else" code and comment out the code in there

if ($signatureurl!="") {
eval("\$post[signature] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signature")."\";");

if there is any error , pls let me know

05-30-2003, 01:49 AM
If you have a fairly large forum, does this hack negatively effect server load, etc?? thnx

Chris M
05-30-2003, 08:37 AM
@Dribbles - Depending on the size of avatars allowed, post count required, number of users, the load will vary - Usually signature images are 100x400 at most, so imagine about 7 avatars per user (including their avatar) and then you will see how this can affect server load on a big board:)

@LangTuDaTinh - Thanks for that - That may correct lots of people's problems:D

@Gemini - You will have to add the references to signature into member.php:)


05-30-2003, 12:34 PM
Hi ... avatar settings are 150x150 max dimensions with 20kb max size. I was thinking for sig images 100 max height with 400 max width. So the system is basically as taxing as the avatar system? (width and size allowances aside).

Chris M
05-30-2003, 02:58 PM
As taxing if not potentially more or less...


06-01-2003, 08:55 PM
Hey hellsatan, I tried making this "Lesane Store Compatible" which I assumed would be easy since it is done the same way as normal avatars, but for some reason users cannot upload their sigs when accessing this through the store???

Is there anything in this hack that is different from the standard avatar code besides replacing the word avatar with signature?


Chris M
06-02-2003, 07:10 PM
Yes - It does use a modified version of my "Improved Avatar Settings" hack (for signatures obviously:p);)

That is about it really, apart from N9ne's template mods and a few bits of modified code in member.php:)


06-04-2003, 04:58 AM
That could be it. Thanks. :)

06-04-2003, 06:21 PM
Call me stupid, but what file is this you're referring to? I went through all the files and couldn't find this, or part of it, anywhere. /boggle

05-04-03 at 08:12 PM LangTuDaTinh said this in Post #212 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=391327#post391327)

if ($post[showsignature] and $allowsignatures and trim($post[signature])!="" and ($bbuserinfo[userid]==0 or $bbuserinfo[showsignatures])) {
if (!isset($sigcache["$post[userid]"])) {
eval("\$post[signature] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signature")."\";");
$sigcache["$post[userid]"] = $post[signature];
} else {
$post[signature] = $sigcache["$post[userid]"];

} else {

$post[signature] = "";


if ($post[showsignature] and $allowsignatures and trim($post[signature])!="" and ($bbuserinfo[userid]==0 or $bbuserinfo[showsignatures])) {
if (!isset($sigcache["$post[userid]"])) {
eval("\$post[signature] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signature")."\";");
$sigcache["$post[userid]"] = $post[signature];
} else {
$post[signature] = '';
} else {
if ($signatureurl!="") {
eval("\$post[signature] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signature")."\";");
// $post[signature] = "";

as u ca see, i added a new code in the last "else" code and comment out the code in there

if ($signatureurl!="") {
eval("\$post[signature] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signature")."\";");

if there is any error , pls let me know

Chris M
06-04-2003, 06:31 PM
I believe that is the functions.php file:)


06-14-2003, 03:50 PM
Thanks Satan ;)

And thanks LangTuDaTinh that fixed it! /bow

Chris M
06-16-2003, 03:56 PM
No problems:)


06-20-2003, 02:50 AM
I tried installing this hack and I recieved this error. Can anyone help me out?

mysql error number: 1054

EDIT: Found my answer on page 10. Forogt to run:
ALTER TABLE user ADD signatureid smallint(6) NOT NULL

This hack is SWEET. Thanks for your hard work!

This didn't work for me:

12-06-02 at 08:11 PM Palyntir said this in Post #136 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=328671#post328671)
found it. it was in usercp.php

the section beginning

// ############################### start signature ###############################

if ($bbuserinfo[signatureurl]=="") {

needed to be replaced with this:

// ############################### start signature ###############################

if ($bbuserinfo[signatureurl]=="") {

where "images" = {"imagesfolder"} without "" (this board wont let me type in the exact code.

I had to use:

// ############################### start signature ###############################

if ($bbuserinfo[signatureurl]=="") {
$bbuserinfo[signatureurl]=$bburl . "/{imagesfolder}/clear.gif";

Chris M
06-21-2003, 08:31 AM

Then your { imagesfolder } variable is not configured correctly...:confused:


06-23-2003, 05:23 AM
05-30-03 at 02:37 AM hellsatan said this in Post #214 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=401922#post401922)

@Gemini - You will have to add the references to signature into member.php:)

I may sound stupid for asking, but WHERE are we supposed to add them? And by references do you mean the part that were looking for or the part that we are supposed to add. I am on vB 2.3.0 as well.

Chris M
06-25-2003, 02:37 PM
The part you are supposed to add...

And after where it specifies in the install file;):)


06-25-2003, 03:04 PM

07-15-2003, 03:44 AM
How do yo uget the signature image to show up in PMs?!? :confused:

07-15-2003, 10:00 AM
this is exactly what i'm looking for. I shall install this when i get home. I take it this allows certain user groups to be able to use images in their sigs?

Would it be possible to use an if statement to only make those images visable in particular forums?

thanks so much :)

07-16-2003, 02:38 PM
Nobody knows how to get the signature image to show up int PMs along with the signature text?!? :( I tried the following, but didn't work..

In "root/private.php" find: if ($post[avatarid]!=0) {
} else {
if ($post[hascustomavatar] and $avatarenabled) {
} else {
if ($avatarurl=="") {
} else {
eval("\$post[avatar] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_avatar")."\";");
if ($post[signatureid]!=0) {
} else {
if ($post[hascustomsignature] and $signatureenabled) {
} else {
if ($signatureurl=="" or ($bbuserinfo[userid]>0 and !($bbuserinfo[showsignatures]))) {
} else {
eval("\$post[signatureimg] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signatureimg")."\";");
But that didn't fix it either. :confused: Any help?

07-16-2003, 03:10 PM
u need to add a JOIN queries to the original PM queries for signature too....like the one in the showthread.

07-16-2003, 03:29 PM
Today at 05:10 PM LangTuDaTinh said this in Post #232 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=418204#post418204)
u need to add a JOIN queries to the original PM queries for signature too....like the one in the showthread.
I'd thought about that after I posted that last message. :o I was just gonna look and see what queries needed to be run. Thanks for the help, works great! :D

I added both parts for the queries and also added the "postbit_signatureimg" template to the required templates. For those of you who don't know exactly what to add where to get the sig image to show in PMs, do the following..

In "root/private.php" do the following 4 things..

Find:privfolder,postbit_avatarAnd Replace With:privfolder,postbit_avatar,postbit_signatureim g
Find: user.*,userfield.*".iif($avatarenabled,",avatar.avatarpath,customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar ","")."And Add Below: ".iif($signatureenabled,",signature.signaturepath,NOT ISNULL(customsignature.signaturedata) AS hascustomsignature,customsignature.dateline AS signaturedateline","")."
Find: ".iif ($avatarenabled,"LEFT JOIN avatar ON avatar.avatarid=user.avatarid
LEFT JOIN customavatar ON customavatar.userid=user.userid ","")."And Add Below: ".iif ($signatureenabled,"LEFT JOIN signature ON signature.signatureid=user.signatureid
LEFT JOIN customsignature ON customsignature.userid=user.userid","")."
Find:if ($post[avatarid]!=0) {
} else {
if ($post[hascustomavatar] and $avatarenabled) {
} else {
if ($avatarurl=="") {
} else {
eval("\$post[avatar] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_avatar")."\";");
And Add Below: if ($post[signatureid]!=0) {
} else {
if ($post[hascustomsignature] and $signatureenabled) {
} else {
if ($signatureurl=="" or ($bbuserinfo[userid]>0 and !($bbuserinfo[showsignatures]))) {
} else {
eval("\$post[signatureimg] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signatureimg")."\";");

Perhaps this should be included in the installation instructions. ;) Thanks again LangTuDaTinh!

08-07-2003, 05:53 PM
beautiful hack, pity the queries wern't auto or the templates weren't in different txt files, would've cut installation time into shreads, gonna install this later

08-19-2003, 03:42 AM
I'm using vB 2.3.2 and I've installed this hack with no problems whatsoever, however, there was a pretty big problem with the fact that the graphic itself didn't show. It has a nice, big X.

I've went through about ten pages of this thread hoping to grab on to an answer, but I don't think I've passed by anyone that's got quite the same problem I do.

Not only does the graphic not display in the usercp, it doesn't display on a post either (the text is there for the signature, the graphic comes up, again, as an X.)

The <img src=" is returning the following:


Any clues?

I've reinstalled this thing twice already -- but I'll install it again if that's what it takes. :) It looks like a great hack -- hope I can use it soon.

(Could just be it's reeeeal late at night while I'm tryin' to get this on. ;))

09-09-2003, 12:53 PM
08-19-03 at 12:42 AM Harlequin said this in Post #235 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=426974#post426974)
I'm using vB 2.3.2 and I've installed this hack with no problems whatsoever, however, there was a pretty big problem with the fact that the graphic itself didn't show. It has a nice, big X.

I've went through about ten pages of this thread hoping to grab on to an answer, but I don't think I've passed by anyone that's got quite the same problem I do.

Not only does the graphic not display in the usercp, it doesn't display on a post either (the text is there for the signature, the graphic comes up, again, as an X.)

The <img src=" is returning the following:


Any clues?

I've reinstalled this thing twice already -- but I'll install it again if that's what it takes. :) It looks like a great hack -- hope I can use it soon.

(Could just be it's reeeeal late at night while I'm tryin' to get this on. ;))

I'm having issues with this as well and I don't get any sig showing and yes everyting is enabled. Problem is there are too many steps to go through to find the problem. I will have to remove this for now until Hellsatan finds the bugs.

09-14-2003, 11:27 AM
does this hack still work or shall i leave it for another day?

10-07-2003, 02:50 AM
any way to add the option of using a image sig, or a text sig? (via radio button)

10-13-2003, 04:22 PM
hey.....great hack!!!

but as everyone asked, is there a way to have either or both image and text sig??

how about just add another field for the text sig??

11-22-2003, 03:14 PM
This is a great hack and I have installed it for a long time but the more members are using it in a big forum, your forum will be much more slower. After removed this from showthread and store avatar and sig image on web harddisk instead of on the database, my forum speed is much much faster.

So if you have a big forum and would like to use this or multi avatar feature then I would recommend not to store on database.

and the best part is i don't use any queries for both avatars and sig image. i even removed all avatars and sig image from big get post queries in showthread.

what i do is allow members to upload to a directory and set their userid as filename. if user uploaded avatar or sig image then i would change the field avatarid and signatureid to 1, then in function.php, i would add sigimage by check weather those field is one or not. if it's 1 then the avatar and sig will display.

i will add a multi avatars later

11-22-2003, 03:17 PM

post.*,post.username AS postusername,post.ipaddress AS ip,user.*,userfield.*,icon.title as icontitle,icon.iconpath,
attachment.attachmentid,attachment.filename,attach ment.visible AS attachmentvisible,attachment.counter
,avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar,customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline
,signature.signaturepath,NOT ISNULL(customsignature.signaturedata) AS hascustomsignature,customsignature.dateline AS signaturedateline

FROM post
LEFT JOIN icon ON icon.iconid=post.iconid
LEFT JOIN user ON user.userid=post.userid
LEFT JOIN userfield ON userfield.userid=user.userid
LEFT JOIN avatar ON avatar.avatarid=user.avatarid
LEFT JOIN customavatar ON customavatar.userid=user.userid
LEFT JOIN signature ON signature.signatureid=user.signatureid
LEFT JOIN customsignature ON customsignature.userid=user.userid

LEFT JOIN attachment ON attachment.attachmentid=post.attachmentid
WHERE post.postid IN (0,46438,893724,893756,893767,893789,895152,895308 ,895318,895320,895401,895825,895949,896089,896479, 896613,896725)
GROUP BY post.postid
ORDER BY dateline

Time before: 0.13210904598236
Time after: 0.93727195262909
Page generated in 1.2715369462967 seconds with 22 queries,

Time before: 0.13210904598236
Time after: 0.93727195262909
Page generated in 1.2715369462967 seconds with 22 queries,

post.*,post.username AS postusername,post.ipaddress AS ip,user.*,userfield.*,icon.title as icontitle,icon.iconpath
FROM post
LEFT JOIN icon ON icon.iconid=post.iconid
LEFT JOIN user ON user.userid=post.userid
LEFT JOIN userfield ON userfield.userid=user.userid
WHERE post.postid IN (0,46438,893724,893756,893767,893789,895152,895308 ,895318,895320,895401,895825,895949,896089,896479, 896613,896725)
GROUP BY post.postid
ORDER BY dateline

Time before: 0.091778039932251
Time after: 0.097924947738647
Page generated in 0.77503001689911 seconds with 22 queries,

Time before: 0.091778039932251
Time after: 0.097924947738647
Page generated in 0.77503001689911 seconds with 22 queries,

11-30-2003, 06:57 PM
can anyone help, once the user has uploaded there sig it appears as a red x. I am using vb 2.3.0

12-04-2003, 03:16 PM
I saw the question was asked on the thread but nobody answered. :disappointed:

Can this hack be used in only one user group? Like if I have a group for premium members and I only want them to be able to use it, can this be done?

12-05-2003, 05:58 PM
I just installed the hack and well it seems fine but when I goto my options to change my sig it says "The administrator has disabled the use of signature images." but in the CP I have the option for sigs turned on. Wasup wit this?I know I'm months late but I saw this going through the thread to find a fix. By the way thanks Satan for the height restriction fix! :)

When I was done installing the hack I had the same problem, I got the "The administrator has disabled the use of signature images." message even though everything was ok. For some reason, without mnodifying everything in the admin panel I click on submit modifications and it worked after that. Strange but who cares, as long as it works. :p

Shell Geeks
12-20-2003, 09:17 AM
very nice *hits install*

01-12-2004, 02:25 AM
well you be porting this over to VB3
cuase i am tired of asking members to change the size limit
and i would really love it if you do


02-11-2004, 05:22 AM
This was a huge hack for a multiple styles board with tons of hacks (about 40 hacks) but the instructions were awesome and after a few hours and some 100+ templates it works FLAWLESSLY on 2.3.0! I have tried probably every single one on this board, and THIS is THE one! Thank you so very much for this. I can only imagine how much time and work you put into this, but let me tell you every single time I see that sig is too big message appear on my board I'll be thanking you!
**Gleefully clicks install**

07-13-2004, 05:22 PM
NE 1 know if this is available for vb3.

11-24-2004, 04:55 PM
Yes... If this could be ported over for vb3, there would be many many happy campers!