View Full Version : Moderators Demoted by members

11-01-2002, 01:46 PM
is it possible to make a system where a mod can be demoted by members depending on a vote system.

Ok i know admins can do this already but lets face it how many boards have mods who dont actually do anything or only do stuff when pulled as to why they aint doing nothing.

Many boards have mods who are mates of the admins so this system will hopefully take the onus of the admin(s) to make the decision if the mod is lacking.

Im even unsure on what system is best to implement this but im sure it can be done.

Or even a system where the admins cast the vote and not unitl every admin or a percentage has voted that the mod is dropped.

Can see downsides to this as well as most people will say dont make mods if u cant demote em but this aint the case im basically want a system to take the onus off demoting mates.

11-02-2002, 12:42 AM
Wow... talk about the ultimate democratic forums. This can be easily abused by a group of trolls ganging up to demote moderators. The promotion or demotion of mods should rest entirely on the admin or admins, IMO.

11-02-2002, 01:03 PM
Easiest way is to let you users open a poll to vote if someone should stay mod or not....

but making him a normal user again must be up to the admin because of abusepossibilities

11-02-2002, 06:23 PM
true never really thought of it that way

see good job i dont write hacks aint it

but cheers for fedback guys.

But im still un-convinced

I just aint thought hard enough about it thats all

Will think up a new master plan lately :)