View Full Version : recent french template ?

10-28-2002, 02:34 AM
Hya there, I was looking for a french template for Vbultin, but it seems that I won't be able to put the hand on one, the best I've found was for the 2.2.5 version, so I would like to know if there is a place were I could find the same but for the 2.2.7 or the 2.2.8 version ? and if the reply is no I would like to know if it's possible to use the one I've found even if my version is more recent ?

en français dnas le txt: y'a t il un moyen de choper une template française pour la version 2.2.7 ou 2.2.8 de VBultin qqpart ? pour le moment il semblerait que la trade la plus recente date de la 2.2.5 des infos sur le sujet ? d'avance merci

11-02-2002, 07:11 PM
Je suis preneur de la 2.2.8 si tu la decroches

11-02-2002, 07:12 PM
Si tu arrive a l'avoir, peux tu me prevenir.

Ici, il doit y avoir la 2.8 mais j'attends mon acceptation

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