View Full Version : Request: FORCE Password change

10-26-2002, 03:49 PM
Since people tend to be lazy ;) It would be nice if I could do the following:

1.) Force a Password change every XX Days ( configured via AdminCP )

2.) Force Password change - NOW - meaning on the next login the users have to change their password.

3.) Countdown 3 days before the password must be changed, saying something like " In 3 days you have to change your password - change it now? " " In 2 days, etc. "

4.) DeluxeVersion: store last 10 passwords and do not let user use any of those 10 Passwords.

Can this be done? I think it would be a nice security addon....

10-26-2002, 05:30 PM
maybe you should try this one for different security choices:

10-26-2002, 06:02 PM
Thats a nice addon as well. However I want my users to change every XX days. I am used to changing my password every 14 days in my office ( we are also forced to do it ) and I kind of like that option. It could be combined with that hack you posted the thread to though - I am gonna ask if its possible :)