View Full Version : Quick Reply With Smiles Enable!

10-25-2002, 12:03 AM
Any way to make the quick reply have smiles so users can picka smile when posting or smiles to add in the post?

10-25-2002, 04:59 PM

Chris M
10-25-2002, 05:04 PM
Search in FireFly's thread...

I believe there may be a link in his first post...


10-27-2002, 04:37 PM
Cant fine it?

10-27-2002, 05:26 PM
To add smilies to the Quick Reply template -


Your Reply:</b></normalfont></td>

Change to:

Your Reply:</b></normalfont><p>$clickysmilies</td>

Warning - it will slow down the loading of threads as the smilies load.

10-27-2002, 09:58 PM
which temp do i edit?

10-27-2002, 10:10 PM
showthread_quickreply or something like that - it's the template that you made when you installed quick reply. :)

10-27-2002, 10:14 PM
HMm i dont see it anywhere in the code

<f enctype="multipart/form-data" action="newreply.php" name="vbform" method="post" onSubmit="return validate(this)">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="postreply">
<input type="hidden" name="threadid" value="$threadid">
<input type="hidden" name="title" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="iconid" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="parseurl" value="yes">
<input type="hidden" name="email" value="$emailchecked">
<input type="hidden" name="disablesmilies" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="signature" value="yes">
<input type="hidden" name="rating" value="0">
<table cellpadding="{tableouterborderwidth}" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor="{tablebordercolor}" {tableouterextra} width="{contenttablewidth}" align="center"><tr><td>
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="{tableinnerborderwidth}" border="0" {tableinnerextra} width="100%">
<td bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}" width="100%">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}">
<td width="175" valign="top" nowrap><normalfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}"><b>&nbsp;Quick Reply:</b></normalfont><br><smallfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}">$closeopenthread</smallfont></td>
<td><textarea name="message" rows="3" cols="$textareacols" wrap="virtual" tabindex="1"></textarea> $gobutton</td>

10-27-2002, 10:23 PM
Add $clickysmilies anywhere in the template you want the smilie panel to show.

10-28-2002, 02:41 AM
doesnt work?

Chris M
10-28-2002, 12:34 PM
Thats because I believe you have to add the smilies code to showthread.php...


10-28-2002, 01:33 PM
hwo do i add it in the showthread.php?

Chris M
10-28-2002, 01:40 PM
I think, but im not sure, it has something to do with this code...

$vbcode_smilies = '';
$vbcode_buttons = '';
if ($foruminfo[allowsmilies]) {
if ($bbuserinfo[showvbcode] && $allowvbcodebuttons) {
$vbcode_smilies = getclickysmilies();
eval("\$disablesmiliesoption = \"".gettemplate("newpost_disablesmiliesoption")."\";");
} else {
if ($bbuserinfo[showvbcode] && $allowvbcodebuttons) {
$vbcode_buttons = getcodebuttons();

I presume you should add that to showthread.php, but again, im not sure...

If you do attempt it, BACKUP YOUR FILES before attempting...


10-28-2002, 02:16 PM
Go to the quick reply thread and read the first 3 pages and it will tell you everything you need to know about adding smilies to quick reply :)

10-28-2002, 11:13 PM
whats the linK? i think i have a different reply box tho the one that close thread faster...