View Full Version : Integration Request

10-24-2002, 07:15 PM
My request is for more of a gamer/hacker. I need the Vivi's Itemshop to be integrated with the class system. Example: If I'm a Black Mage and I go to the itemshop, then I can only buy Black Mage weapons. If possible also integrate the element system. Example: A knight wants to buy a weapon. His element is Fire, so he is limited to Knight's Weapons that are fire. I'd like to use this for a type of battle system, as in there is where you buy weapons and all and then you use the RP style fighting. *action* I think if whoever does this will be greatly contibuting to my forum and also to the battle system everyone is waiting for. That is a big step for the battle system not including graphics. Thanks. I hope you do make this for me. :classic:

10-25-2002, 01:24 PM
Come on anyone?! Out of all you great hackers can't ONE of you help me?

10-27-2002, 10:58 PM
i am working on a battle system to release for everyone and it will involve totaly seperate stores, and will be using a more pwoerful shop systme then the itemshop. So i cannot work on this right now. Sorry i wish i could but i am working on 4 hacks at once and any more will make me explode :p