View Full Version : Check box writes threadid and subject text to new table?

Tim Wheatley
10-24-2002, 06:49 PM

What I'm looking for in the long term is so that when I post a new article into the forum for that on my site, you can select a check box when posting which then duplicates the threadid, number of replies and the posts text into a new db table.

Then, with vbindex I'd like to call it onto the page, with the following type of usage:

"message text - Comments (number of comments)"

the comments text would then link to the threadid.

It's basically a repeat of the news code which is already in the vbindex, but I'd like it so it's seperate because it's an alternate forum, and an alternate set of 'news'.

Tim Wheatley
10-25-2002, 02:13 PM
Nevermind I did this myself. :)