View Full Version : trouble with forumdisplay.php
10-23-2002, 03:00 AM
I hope someone can help me. I am trying to to figure out a way to pull a variable from a table seoperate from the threads table and have a value show in the forumdisplaybit. I try to place a query right after this code in forumdisplay.php
while ($thread=$DB_site->fetch_array($threads)) { // and $counter++<$perpage) {
but it doesn't seem to get the info from the DB is there i think i am placing this code incorrectly hope i explained this well enough
and that someone can help me
Thnaks in advance
10-23-2002, 03:02 AM
What is the variable and how are you writing the query line? Post exactly what you put down and where in forumdisplay.
10-23-2002, 03:43 AM
the query i used is
$reqdata=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * from reqdata WHERE threadid=$threadinfo[threadid]");
this should return a variable i want to return is $reqdata[status]
a 1 or 0 to signify a yes or no which will the each open there own template to place into the forumdisplaybit and appear on nt appear based on the variable (i think that makes but i get novalue at all for any variable eventhough the data is there in the database
10-23-2002, 02:20 PM
you know it's not good to have a query within a whileloop?
you should use a join-query instead.
nevertheless i think your where clause is wrong use this:
$reqdata=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * from reqdata WHERE threadid=$thread[threadid]");
$threadinfo isn't defined as i know ;)
10-23-2002, 09:16 PM
well I fixed the problem with the variable, but now you have me intrigued as i am aparently not doing the correct way. If someone would kindly expalin to me how the join-Query Xenon is refering to should work I would like to know.
Thanks in advance
10-23-2002, 09:21 PM
well, somewhere in your script you define the $threads variable:
$threads=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM thread WHERE ...
to use a join query you have to chang it into this:
$threads=$DB_site->query("SELECT thread.*,reqdata.* FROM thread LEFT JOIN reqdata USING(threadid) WHERE ...
then you don't need the query in th while loop anymore, you can acces to all data within reqdata table throug $thread variable :)
10-23-2002, 09:28 PM
Thanks Again Xenon!!
A quick reply too :). it's not an issue in this particular case but for future reference I can see how this could cause one problem though if there are identically named fields in the two different tables then there would be a conflict is there a way around this??
10-23-2002, 09:40 PM
you're welcome :)
if you have fields with identical names you shouldn't use the * use explicit names instead:
$threads=$DB_site->query("SELECT thread.threadid, thread.title,reqdata.title AS reqtitle FROM thread LEFT JOIN reqdata USING(threadid) WHERE ...
as you can see, the field title in table reqdata can be accesed throug $thread[reqtitle].
you can use the AS operator whenever you have two fields with same names to rename on of them
10-23-2002, 09:42 PM
I See Now!! Thank you again for all you help
10-23-2002, 09:44 PM
welcome :)
that's why i'm here.
if you have other questions, feel free to post, there are many people out which can help :)
Chris M
10-23-2002, 10:08 PM
How would I make a Query to pull just the ReplyCount, The Thread Title, and then link it to the thread id?
Ive tried loads of queries, but i cant get it to work...
Could those queries be adapted?
If so, would you mind telling how?
10-23-2002, 10:35 PM
$threadquery=$DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,title,replycount FROM thread");
Then use $threadquery[threadid] for the threadid. The above query will return the values for all threads.
Chris M
10-23-2002, 10:37 PM
Cool thanks:)
You wouldnt happen to know how I could get that to display in a table would you?
10-23-2002, 10:42 PM
Basicly have this PHP and then two templates, the bit, for each result and the mainone to house them all:
$threadquery=$DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,title,replycount FROM thread");
while ($threadinfo = $DB_site->fetch_array($threadquery)) {
$title = unhtmlspecialchars($threadinfo['title']);
$replycount = $threadinfo['replycount'];
$threadid = $threadinfo['threadid'];
eval("\$threadbits .= \"".gettemplate('query_bit')."\";");
eval("\$threads = \"".gettemplate('query')."\";");
Change query_bit and query in the eval statements to your template names ;)
Chris M
10-23-2002, 10:47 PM
10-23-2002, 11:08 PM
it doesn't work right i'm sure i'm doing something wrong
here is what i changed the $threads Query to
SELECT $dotuserid $votequery ".iif($foruminfo[allowicons],'icon.title as icontitle,icon.iconpath,','')."
thread.threadid,thread.title,lastpost, forumid,pollid,open,replycount,postusername,postus erid,
lastposter,thread.dateline,views,thread.iconid,not es,thread.visible,sticky,votetotal,attach,reqdata. threadid,reqdata.filler AS reqfiller
FROM thread
LEFT JOIN reqdata USING (threadid)
".iif($foruminfo[allowicons],'LEFT JOIN icon ON (icon.iconid = thread.iconid)','')."
WHERE $threadids
ORDER BY sticky DESC, $sortfield $sqlsortorder
then below inside the while loop
while ($thread=$DB_site->fetch_array($threads)) { // and $counter++<$perpage) {
i put
//request hack
if ($threads[reqfiller]!='') {
eval("\$filledby = \"".gettemplate('filledby')."\";");
} else {
//request hack
but it doesn't assign a value to the variable $threads[reqfiller]
any idea
Chris M
10-23-2002, 11:13 PM
Thats because it would be :
//request hack
if ($thread[reqfiller]!='') {
eval("\$filledby = \"".gettemplate('filledby')."\";");
} else {
//request hack
You assigned the variable $thread to fetch the array of $threads, so you use $thread not $threads;)
Try that code, and $thread[reqfiller];)
10-23-2002, 11:17 PM
Thanks i think my brain is fried
10-24-2002, 04:41 AM
LOL! I see that you're getting support from the pros here. :) Sorry I didn't get back to this thread sooner, but it looks like things are under control.
10-24-2002, 09:03 AM
you're welcome jsell
@Erwin: That thread is a good example:
So sees a problem and many users jump to it and try to solve ;)
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