View Full Version : Totally new store, points and more system!

10-20-2002, 10:54 AM
I have want an hack, this is the idea for it, maybe i can give something like a fast host and domain for it!

-Completely new points system, easy inregate, with donate and bank with interests (displayed in postbit)
-Totally new store, with the following functions: Buy an custom avatar, Buy an custom title, Buy the rights to download an upload attachements, buy a new username, buy some music to listen while browsing
-Great lay-out, not the normal store lay-out, otherwise i will make it
-Itemshop intregated, with it you can easy buy weapons, armor, accessories.. Also could sell it! (more than only one item per category) displayed in postbit
-Reffering interets, if you reffer one person, get 100 points, 2 -200 etc.
-Avaibility to bet on competitions, where you can lose or winn money.
-Choose your side, something with mages, normal people or monsters ;)

I hope someone can/would like to make it, as i said, i can give you a fast host and domain for it!

10-20-2002, 01:29 PM
Sound good, I have been work on Itemshop (my first hack ;)) for while, it is completely new codes, templates, and everything else (including low queries as possible too, TECK is master of that one I will ask him few QQ whenever I can). I have college, social commitments and relationship but I will finish the Itemshop and release to public. As for other more features, I aint mind to do these but I m still new to PHP, in time I will do these. I cannot promise but I will do my best also I ll have to wait for VB3 to release then modify my hack a bit to work with VB3.

Hope someone will answer your request more faster than I am :)

Edit: My Itemshop hack will have some unique features like..

Buy any weapons, armors, and shield will influence your RPG stats such as strength, defensive, body, quickness, and few more.

Items will including random posion, cursed, and few alignments that will influence stats too.

Several more but I rather to not bring it up to public right now. It will work with my RPG battle whenever it come out. But I rather wait for g-force2k2, he is great hacker ever I know. Will see..

10-20-2002, 01:35 PM
thx, i am looking foreward to that, hope you will finish it asap :)

10-21-2002, 04:26 PM