View Full Version : Links Profile...

Chris M
10-20-2002, 10:10 AM

I got bored, and tried to make a "links profile" hack for my board, and then for release...

I got stuck, and decided to give up...

Im now looking for anyone who has one, or thinks they could make one...

What it should be like is the following :

contained within member.php - the url should be something like :


It should basically have its own Profile page, but not along the navbar - It should appear beneath the "Homepage:" input box in the "Edit Profile" screen...It should be something like:

Homepage: [textbox]
Edit your Link Profile

(It shouldnt appear on the Register screen though;))

Then there would be like an "Edit Link profile" screen, with stuff like:

Homepage Name
Contact Email
Content Category <- Dropbox of Admin defined categories

Then on the "View Link Profile" page, there should be the information (the "Homepage Name" should link to the site URL)...

The page should also have a rating option, and a Comments textbox...

The comments should be posted on a seperate "Comments & Ratings" screen, and the Admins should be able to edit or delete ratings and/or comments if need be...

The "getinfo" page (viewing the members profile) should have a link where the "Homepage:" option is, saying "View this Member's Link Profile" if they have made one...


What do you think of that?


10-20-2002, 11:23 AM
There is a Bookmark hack that allows you to import browser bookmarks that you can adapt to do this. It's very good.

Chris M
10-20-2002, 11:30 AM
Wow...I didnt know that...

You would happen to have a link?:)
