View Full Version : Rank Trees and Images

10-20-2002, 04:17 AM
I was wondering if anyone was up for the challenge of making a hack that;

Allows user to choose a specific rank tree (such as "army", or "navy", for arguments sake.) These ranks would be displayed the way the ones are now.

Allows an image to be incorporated with each rank. For example, if someone had the rank of "Marksman" or whatever, a little gun image can appear under their name.

Basically what I want is what can be found at http://swg-de.emr.net/board . Look in the postbit. I asked them for the hack, but they refuse to give it, so I'm asking if someone here can do it :D

Thanks :)

10-20-2002, 06:17 PM
Is there already a hack like this and is anyone interested in doing this if there isn't?

10-21-2002, 06:04 PM
I would be interested in something like this as well, but I'd just need the titles, not images as requested byt he original poster.

I'd like to have a different set of user titles based on a "class" that the user selects at registration time. (Not sure if I want them to be able to change their "class" later) the selection would be from a drop down list of classes that I've defined (preferably somewhere in the Admin CP, so I can add/delete/modify class lists if needed.)

The "class" that a user chooses should also be veiwable on thier member profile.

10-21-2002, 08:24 PM
BTW, I just found this in the beta hacks forum:
