View Full Version : Custom Cookie

10-18-2002, 06:56 PM

I run a membership site that requires members to use their
unique username and password to log in.

We've hacked VB's MYSQL databsae tables to receive the member's password and username via our order form.

What we want to do is have our site write a cookie when the
member logs in our site that will allow VB to "NOT" ask them
to log in when they decide to visit the VB forums.

We have the abillity to know who is logged in and thus need to
know how to write a cookie that VB will look for when the member
visits the VB forums.

The purpose of this is we are trying to have our site only ask
for the username and password once per browser session to access the site and the VB forums.

I think it is a pain to ask a new user to log in for the site and then
to log in again for the forums.

Any suggestions on how to write the cookie so VB will see the
data needed to consider the member "logged in"?


10-18-2002, 07:02 PM
If your site is PHP based then all you need to go is require forum/global.php. You can then get them to login like they would from the forums.

10-18-2002, 07:20 PM
That is an option I haven't thought of.

My site isn't in PHP. I would like to figure this out the way I have the site now too.

Also, if I changed my .htm pages to .php with require tag will that

I guess if they are logged in and are "cookied" the require call will
be ignored and the actually php page they are visiting would load??

10-18-2002, 07:46 PM
Couldn't I have a PHP script written that does;

1. Using the $ENV auth_user call in my script to retrive
the username of the member in question. Then,

2. Access the mysql database table user for VB using the username from above.

3. Ask for the data in fields lastvisit, userid and password and,

4. Write a cookie which would include the data for lastvisit, userid and password.

I don't know specifically how to write the PHP or PERL cookie writing code with data from a MYSQL database. (Please send examples if you know of any.)

Also, I don't know what all the numbers are for that are inside the cookie VB is currently writing.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.