View Full Version : Status field in the Thread View

10-16-2002, 01:59 PM
Hi all,

I have some 'Is it possible' questions:

- I need a status field in the Thread View, where a moderator (not a user) has the possibility to give a status to the thread like "Good" or "Bad" in the form of a graphic. This should be administrated in Edit Post window.
- In the New Thread window there should be the option to give the thread a category option (in form of a graphic), which should be seen also in the Thread View. This should be possible to all users.

Is this possible in a more or less easy way? Where should I start to look for in the templates? Any idea you can share with me would be greatly appreciated.

10-17-2002, 11:58 AM
umm I didnt get what the difference is for
(a) from Thread Rating and for (b) from Post Icon..

Seems these should suffice to your considering the fact that the features you are looking for applies to them..

10-17-2002, 01:11 PM
Thanks for your answer.

>(a) from Thread Rating
The whole idea behind it is something like an idea pool, where users can post their ideas and moderators can give this idea a status like "accepted" or"will be proofed" in form of icons. This Status Rating (which is viewable in the Thread View as an additional first column) should be set and altered only by moderators.
>(b) from Post Icon
Ok, that's a point I ignore (Stupid me :)). But I want to choose more than one. Instead of radio buttons there should be checkboxes. This selection (one ore more message icons) should be seen in the Thread View. Not only one message icon.
The idea behind this is that users place their idea into a group which the idea belongs to, like "Development","Marketing". An idea can belong to more than one group.

I hope my wishes are a little more clear now. Again any hint would help me a lot. Thanks