View Full Version : Halloween Style

10-14-2002, 04:36 PM
okay... This won't compare to all you professionals out there but I made my first style. It really isn't much of a big thing but some color changes and 1-2 template mods. It is compatable with vbPortal also. The original style I started with was that of vbPortal. The images were made with vbutton. The logo was thrown together with some images I found at http://www.halloween-clipart.com/ Same with the footer image. The Pumpkin Smilies/Icons were made by Xelation. Here's a couple of screen shots. Sorry if quality isn't that good I'm new at this. There's 2 style files included in zip. halloween_vbp (if you have vbPortal installed) and halloween_vbb (if you only have vbb installed)







Dean C
10-14-2002, 05:21 PM
hehe i see they're using this over at dev.phpportals.com :D

Nice work.. im sure some people will use this around the holidays :)

- miSt

10-14-2002, 09:56 PM
Well nope that's not mine. But I guess you can't do to much different with orange & black. I just made mine yesterday. I didn't know someone had already made one. Should I remove this one since it seems someone else already made one similar?

Steve Machol
10-15-2002, 12:57 AM
The one at dev.phpportal.com looks a lot like the one I did on my forums last year:


Here's the download for the one I did if anyone's interested:
