View Full Version : Is there a way to do this?

11-06-2000, 01:59 AM
I've just upgraded from UBB, which allows members to click on "edit" on someone else's post, where they can view the source code of the post, without being allowed to actually change the post. This helped immensely when our members were trying to learn html tricks, how to post images, etc.

Is there a way to do this on vbulletin? I looked through the control panel and only saw an option for members to edit each other's posts. I don't want them to be able to change the post, only to see the source code of the post in the "preview" box or "message" box. Has this been done or can it?

TigerLily :)

11-06-2000, 02:57 AM
You would have to change the code in editpost.php to achieve this effect.

11-06-2000, 03:25 AM
You can always use the quote feature...

11-06-2000, 10:06 AM
Thanks- I didn't even think of using the quote feature! I'm afraid I'd screw up editpost.php at this point, but using quote will work just fine. Thanks so much, guys!