View Full Version : ArcadePro Beta

10-11-2002, 11:29 AM
Right, I know the name is BETA, but I still wanna know if you can help. I've done all the steps properly I think up to the bit where you have to install the games. Now, the prob is, that, on the admin CP, the vBProArcade section won't show, it's just not there. Help!

10-11-2002, 02:50 PM
Have you edited the admin/index.php?

The Auto install doesnt do everything it says it does.

In admin/index.php, replace this code

makenavselect("User Groups","<hr>");
// *************************************************

With this code:

makenavselect("User Groups","<hr>");
// *************************************************
makenavoption("General Options","proarcadeadmin.php?action=changeoptions","<br>");
makenavoption("Modify Game Data","proarcadeadmin.php?action=modify","<br>");
makenavoption("Add New Game","proarcadeadmin.php?action=addnew");
// *************************************************