View Full Version : !~Please help~!

10-09-2002, 12:52 AM
My site got a bug and I had to reinstall a fresh vBulletin. I Imported all the user info but my board will not recognize them. In the admin panel if I "List All Members" I get only me. If I select mass move then it recognizes them but thats the only way. What did I miss? I have 800 plus angry members that wnat back in. I posted this at vBulletin.com but have not recieved any help yet. Please help~!

10-09-2002, 01:10 AM
First of all: wrong forum.....

Secondly: You forgot to import the userfield table. Do that, or make a new row for each of your 800 angry members and *poof* there you go.

10-09-2002, 02:31 PM
if you reinstalled you should have backed up the entire forum... not just the user table... there's probably a huge amount of information missing... and i doubt there is anything you can do if you don't have the suffice information except start over... as Linkin stated you'll have to create a new userfield for every user as well as a lot of other tables dependant on the user... not sure exactly the situation though... regards...


10-10-2002, 02:06 AM
I recreated the userfield as suggested and all is back to normal. Thank you sooo much.