View Full Version : PHPMyChat integration problem

10-08-2002, 11:08 PM
Can you help me? I have it up and running. I get a vBulletin error message via email every time someone enters or exits a room.

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.6:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE session SET lastactivity=1034049775,location='/chat/index.php3' WHERE sessionhash='0851f8bd2ab496f17f44d32a341597cc'

mysql error:

mysql error number:

Date: Tuesday 08th of October 2002 12:02:55 AM

Script: http://www.scrapsahoy.com/board/chat/index.php3

Referer: http://www.scrapsahoy.com/chat/index.php3


Database error in vBulletin 2.2.6:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE session SET lastactivity=1034049928,location='/chat/index.php3?Ver=H&L=english&U=CaptainNewt&E=TheScrapRoom&EN=1' WHERE sessionhash='0851f8bd2ab496f17f44d32a341597cc'

mysql error:

mysql error number:

Date: Tuesday 08th of October 2002 12:05:28 AM

Script: http://www.scrapsahoy.com/board/chat/index.php3?Ver=H&L=english&U=CaptainNewt&E=TheScrapRoom&EN=1

Referer: http://www.scrapsahoy.com/chat/exit.php3?From=index.php3&Ver=H&L=english&U=CaptainNewt&R=TheScrapRoom&T=1

Eeekkkk..what does that mean? The path perhaps?

I have the paths as:


and that adds to my confusion. It?s throwing ?board? and ?chat? together

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance. Willing to pay!

10-09-2002, 12:03 AM
There are already a couple of phpmychat hacks here at vb.org that integrates it into vB. Do a search for them. :)

10-09-2002, 12:13 AM
I have already looked and all others and contacted the creator of this hack. I am not sure of the correct procedures but at this point I just need to find some to pay to fix it. I am sure it is VERY minor problem with where I am at with this hack. The chat works. I just need to get rid of the error. I just cant afford to spend any more time on it. I need a PHP programmer I guess!
