View Full Version : Could do with some feedback

10-08-2002, 10:58 PM
I am in the process of moving from UBB to VB.
I have set up the VB board and everything, but all my admins keep saying the top looks to cluttered. I am pretty sure they are all just trying to p**s me off, but outside opinions would be good.



2 X Viverridae
10-08-2002, 11:09 PM
I compared both your UBB and VB boards by using the time honored "sit back 3 feet and squint at the screen" method of user testing...:)

The differences are miniscule, and as you most aptly stated earlier, it's the fact there are changes are most likely the culprit, as opposed to the actual minor changes. It looks like a darn good port of the style!

Have fun and take care,

2 X