View Full Version : Create a blank thread hack

10-08-2002, 02:43 AM
Hey guys, I was thinking this would be a good hack for those of you who like to merge "comments" sections on websites with the forums, anyway basically the hack would be creating a thread name, but no post in it from the author, like this thread here:


what do you guys think...

10-08-2002, 11:50 AM
well i don't think it's a good idea...
i think it looks more professional if you have the Newstext as first message, but that's just my opinion.

but if you like to do such it's no problem, creating a blank thread means you insert data into the thread table but don't insert a first post.

but whoever is the first person which posts there, would become the ability to delete the whole thread by deleteing first post (if you allow that in permissions)