10-05-2002, 11:51 AM
OK, so you probably saw the name of this thread title, and thought you were in for a treat - well I'm sorry to disappoint you, but work on this hack hasn't even started yet! I moved into University today, and found that not a single computer in the entire complex will allow me to use MSN Messenger, ICQ or Yahoo! Messenger. :confused: So I thought to myself, what can I do to rectift this dreadful situation? I have a choice - either become an elite network hacker, or on the other hand, set about creating an IM hack for vB. This project may never come together, indeed it is highly ambitious, my days of fiddling with Java and the like are years behind me, and hence, I have no idea where I'm going to start from. Most of the work alas is already done for me, there are multiples of open source projects dealing in such aspirations and the vBulletin database holds the user and authentication information that I nedd [I think]. As I am now a student bum [and as you know, students are renowned for doing nothing at all] I feel I have the time to dabble in this idea. I'm looking for help - if anyone would like to assist me, I'd be very appreciative. This thread will act as an update to my [our?] progress and as time goes by, I hope to add more features and work my way around restrictions placed upon browser functionality - such as in the university I am in right now. Perhaps I'm talking out of my anus, and none of this will ever work - well, time will tell. Over and out, let me know your thoughts and ideas. :)