View Full Version : Banner Hack

11-04-2000, 07:24 PM
To the vBulletin community:

Okay, I have searched for hacks that would satisfy my specific needs but I have come up short. I am looking for a type of a "Banner Hack" that would allow my registered users to post banners that are inserted below the text of their post.

I have a couple of ideas and no understanding on PHP programming so I am looking for a qualified individual to help me with my request.

Let me just share some ideas with you and then you'll be able to judge for yourself if you can help me.

I would like to have a setting in the Profile area that a registered user can assign a banner location (i.e. http://www.theirserver.com/images/banner.gif) and linking URL (i.e. http://www.theirserver.com). To place the banner at the bottom of their posts, they would select a checkbox that is located in the same area as the "Automatically parse URLs:", and "Email Notification:" checkboxes are located labeled "Insert Advertising Banner: For Registered Users only."

If placing that option in the Profile area would be impossible, then placing a section on the "New Thread" form for the information would be sufficient.

Banners can not be any larger then 468 x 60 - if possible, they could be smaller then those dimension, just not larger.

Banners are completely optional for registered users.

After submitting their post, the banner would be located at the bottom of their post after the text, signatures, etc... and centered within the post.

Please contact me by email if you are interested in creating a hack or if you're aware of a hack that would work in my situation. Although I do not have a lot of money, I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount for your time and services.

Thank you,

Cody Rush