View Full Version : Options hack or mod

10-02-2002, 01:47 PM
I have been looking for the "options" hack which lists on forum home different options you can do to each forum such as "send to friend, mark as read, start thread, etc...

These options are displayed as lil' icons.

I am also looking, but havn't found, for a way to show different things under your avatar other than the default: Location posts etc....

Dean C
10-02-2002, 03:51 PM
To make a new profile field show up create it via the admin cp... hover your mouse over the edit link for it and you'll see someone in the status bar the address for the edit link and you'll see the profile field id in there...

Then in your postbit find:

Posts: $post[posts]<br>

Place under it:

Whatever you want: $post[fieldx]

Replace x in the code above with the field id of your profile field...



- miSt