View Full Version : Most Ignored Users

10-01-2002, 03:33 PM
I think it would be useful to have a script, (either public or just in the admin section) that would give a list of the most ignored users and the users who are on the most number of buddy lists. That would be useful, as it would give an indication of who is the biggest pain in the butt (for possibly banning), and who is liked most by the other members.

10-01-2002, 03:58 PM
good idea but not easy to implement..

Buddy's and ignored users are not saved seperately inside db so there is not a magic SQL command to list/count them all.

A special script should be written and it would go through the entire database (user table) and count the all userid in buddy and ignore lists, then sort them. As this would be server intensive it wouldnt be possible to make it publicly open to all users. Your best bet would be put it inside Admin CP and run it when necessary..

My 2 cents..

10-01-2002, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Logician
good idea but not easy to implement..
Buddy's and ignored users are not saved seperately inside db so there is not a magic SQL command to list/count them all.

Exactly. That's the problem I ran into. I could have ran a quick SQL query to get the info I needed if the ignore and buddy lists were in their own tables.

10-01-2002, 04:05 PM
the other possibility is, you can create two extra fields and store the ammount of users in them which have put this user on a buddylist/ignorelist

you have to change the member2.php to increase the number if someone is added:
disadvantage: this just works for new users which are put on the buddylist, so you have to revert alle lists to NULL and then add the lines into member2.php

but afterwards you can show the ammount to every user with no extra serverload

Another 2 cents, now you have 4 ;)