09-29-2002, 02:21 AM
If possible, I need this done before October 15th and for less than $500.
First things first, it is a battle system for a rap board (yes, another one). Im not totally aware of everything that goes on between rap boards and vbulletin or why everyone tends to make a big deal out of it every time someone says I run a rap board but that has nothing to do with me. I am not a little kid and I run a legitimate production company. I run the board for fun and for exposure for my company. Past instances have nothing to do with me.
Now that my pre-hack jitters are out of the way, shall we get to the logistics?
1) A challange button that goes somewhere in the postbit and on the rankings page. When a user clicks this button they are sent to a modified pm system of some sort. From there they can send the person they challenge rules about the battle. When the person being challenged gets the pm he has the option to ACCEPT the battle, DECLINE the battle, or MODIFY the rules for the battle and send it back to the challenger for review. This goes back and forth until they both are satisfied with the rules and someone then clicks ACCEPT.
2) Once ACCEPT is clicked by one of the battlers, a new thread is automatically started in a pending forum The topic of the thread is "challanging user versus challanged user" inside the message should be the rules they agreed on. No one is allowed to post in this thread except the two battlers, moderators, and admins. The pending forum is where the battle stays until it is ready for voting.
3) Eventually this thread gets moved by a mod into a voting forum. The voting is done on a scale of 1-10. The voter rates both battlers on this scale. A winner is determined by who has the highest rating at the end of the battle.
^^^^^^^^this is the easy part for all you gurus?
4) A health bar: that normally goes up with posts per day like with the karma hack. But decreases after each battle according to the voting on the battle. The more badly you get beaten in a battle the more your health points/bars decreases.
5) Betting on battles: users can bet on battles by using the money they have earned from posting using lesanes store hack or something similar. When the battle is over, the money automatically gets transferred from the loser to the winner.
6) In the postbit: the challenge button, and a persons battle stats wins losses, ranking and rating etc
7) A ranking page that can be listed by name, wins, losses or ranking. Also should have a way to show who they battled and have a link to the battle.
^^^^^^^^still not that hard?
8) The battlers are ranked sort of like chess players are ranked. I want to use a modified rating system: The higher a persons rating, the higher they are ranked. The formula for the ratings should be as follows.
Formula : Rnew = Rold + (S x 21) + (Ropponent - Rold) / 25
Rnew = the new rating for either battler
Rold = his or her old (pre-battle) rating
S = his or her SCORE for the battle;
This is +1 for a WIN,
-1 for a LOSS
Ropponent = the pre-battle rating of the opponent
This should be calculated after every battle and updated as the battle gets completed depending on who wins or losses. I would also like a way for people to see what their new rating would be before they battled someone depending on if they were to win or loose. If you dont know about chess then you might not understand this.
^^^^^^^^this might hurt a bit but its still possible.
9) Thats all for now if I think of anything else Ill let you know before you get started.
10) My preferred payment arrangements are by PAYPAL for obvious reasons.
11) My preferred pay schedule: $100 to start off. $150 when I get the hack so I can run it through some tests and see that is works. I would like at least 5 days for testing. $250 after we get all the bugs out of it and we are both happy with the way it runs.
12) I also would like at least 3 months of support when I get it running just incase something comes up that wasnt found during the initial testing.
13) You should have some way for me to verify that you can actually do this before I send you some money. It doesnt have to be anything spectacular but at least point me to a few hacks that you have already written.
Any questions? Just ask.
someone said they would do this a few months ago, i just can't remember who it was. If he sees this and replies i'll let him do it. if not, any one can do it.
Hopefully this can be done before October 15th.
First things first, it is a battle system for a rap board (yes, another one). Im not totally aware of everything that goes on between rap boards and vbulletin or why everyone tends to make a big deal out of it every time someone says I run a rap board but that has nothing to do with me. I am not a little kid and I run a legitimate production company. I run the board for fun and for exposure for my company. Past instances have nothing to do with me.
Now that my pre-hack jitters are out of the way, shall we get to the logistics?
1) A challange button that goes somewhere in the postbit and on the rankings page. When a user clicks this button they are sent to a modified pm system of some sort. From there they can send the person they challenge rules about the battle. When the person being challenged gets the pm he has the option to ACCEPT the battle, DECLINE the battle, or MODIFY the rules for the battle and send it back to the challenger for review. This goes back and forth until they both are satisfied with the rules and someone then clicks ACCEPT.
2) Once ACCEPT is clicked by one of the battlers, a new thread is automatically started in a pending forum The topic of the thread is "challanging user versus challanged user" inside the message should be the rules they agreed on. No one is allowed to post in this thread except the two battlers, moderators, and admins. The pending forum is where the battle stays until it is ready for voting.
3) Eventually this thread gets moved by a mod into a voting forum. The voting is done on a scale of 1-10. The voter rates both battlers on this scale. A winner is determined by who has the highest rating at the end of the battle.
^^^^^^^^this is the easy part for all you gurus?
4) A health bar: that normally goes up with posts per day like with the karma hack. But decreases after each battle according to the voting on the battle. The more badly you get beaten in a battle the more your health points/bars decreases.
5) Betting on battles: users can bet on battles by using the money they have earned from posting using lesanes store hack or something similar. When the battle is over, the money automatically gets transferred from the loser to the winner.
6) In the postbit: the challenge button, and a persons battle stats wins losses, ranking and rating etc
7) A ranking page that can be listed by name, wins, losses or ranking. Also should have a way to show who they battled and have a link to the battle.
^^^^^^^^still not that hard?
8) The battlers are ranked sort of like chess players are ranked. I want to use a modified rating system: The higher a persons rating, the higher they are ranked. The formula for the ratings should be as follows.
Formula : Rnew = Rold + (S x 21) + (Ropponent - Rold) / 25
Rnew = the new rating for either battler
Rold = his or her old (pre-battle) rating
S = his or her SCORE for the battle;
This is +1 for a WIN,
-1 for a LOSS
Ropponent = the pre-battle rating of the opponent
This should be calculated after every battle and updated as the battle gets completed depending on who wins or losses. I would also like a way for people to see what their new rating would be before they battled someone depending on if they were to win or loose. If you dont know about chess then you might not understand this.
^^^^^^^^this might hurt a bit but its still possible.
9) Thats all for now if I think of anything else Ill let you know before you get started.
10) My preferred payment arrangements are by PAYPAL for obvious reasons.
11) My preferred pay schedule: $100 to start off. $150 when I get the hack so I can run it through some tests and see that is works. I would like at least 5 days for testing. $250 after we get all the bugs out of it and we are both happy with the way it runs.
12) I also would like at least 3 months of support when I get it running just incase something comes up that wasnt found during the initial testing.
13) You should have some way for me to verify that you can actually do this before I send you some money. It doesnt have to be anything spectacular but at least point me to a few hacks that you have already written.
Any questions? Just ask.
someone said they would do this a few months ago, i just can't remember who it was. If he sees this and replies i'll let him do it. if not, any one can do it.
Hopefully this can be done before October 15th.