View Full Version : Help me find my old buttons

09-28-2002, 07:24 PM
When I upgraded to version 2.2.8, I forgot about the images folder, and my buttos were over written.

I had the black XP-style buttons, with the XP icons on them.

I remember I downloaded them from some site, but I can't remember where it was. There was also blue and green XP sets on the site I believe.

I also remember there was no inane registering or popups on the site, just click and download. I found the link here initially, but despite my best efforts, I can not find it again.

Can someone help me out finding the link to this button set again please? thank you in advance

09-30-2002, 04:19 PM
i belive you can find them at shivasite.com (http://www.shivasite.com/index.php)

i dloaded them and have them if you can't find them...

xp: black, blue, camo, blank, and green