View Full Version : "Importing" ezboard users

09-28-2002, 06:16 AM
Okay, so what I would like isn't really the importing of ezboard users, but it's similar.

Here's how this hack would work:
1) User goes to my vB board
2) User tries to login with his/her ezboard username and password
3) This vB hack creates that username with that password and logs the user in

Could somebody create this? :) I wouldn't mind adding the registration date, post count, etc. manually to the accounts, but if there would also be a way for the hack to go to the user's profile at ezboard (and find out if it is a local account at my ezboard or a global account) and take information (post count, registration date, etc.) from there, then that would be very convenient.

I don't know if any of this is possible, so if not, just say so.

Thanks! :)

06-15-2003, 02:26 AM
I have been looking for something similiar but all I get from everyone here is search for EZBoard. I have and it is like a millions post to search through. What I suggest is make a link on the main page to this answer becuase it is a hot topic for people asking it here are converting to your vBulletin software.


06-15-2003, 04:20 AM
vBulletin.com will import the ezboard posts for you.

Then, install this hack:


Once that's done, a member who registers with the ezboard name will automatically get linked to the posts and get their old post count. Automatically. It works.