View Full Version : Somethings wrong!

Dan Flynn
09-28-2002, 04:17 AM
Out of nowhere I noticed that if I click on a forum i'll get the list of threads.

Then if I click on a thread it goes back to the main page using IE, instead of the posts. If I use opera and click on a thread it acts like it's going into the thread to view the posts and then ends up right back at the thread and never enters.

I do have the hack that does not allow unregistered people to view the post. But they can view the threads. That was working fine. No it doesn't it just does the same as the above. Just like it does for registered guest.

What can be???????????????????????????????????? The last thing I was doing was looking through the template. I pretty sure I did change anything at the time. :(

Dan Flynn
09-28-2002, 12:07 PM
Never mind I got support elsewhere! :)