09-18-2002, 01:30 PM
It would be nice if you could have Karma levels like on GameFAQS:
Where new users can post x ammount posts and x ammount of replies, etc. Then naughty users can get warned or rated by members and their karma goes down. Then if an admin or mod rates them, it goes down even more. So they may be only have 1 post a day if they're bad. If they're good they get a ton. Is there a hack like this available?
Where new users can post x ammount posts and x ammount of replies, etc. Then naughty users can get warned or rated by members and their karma goes down. Then if an admin or mod rates them, it goes down even more. So they may be only have 1 post a day if they're bad. If they're good they get a ton. Is there a hack like this available?