09-17-2002, 08:29 PM
As of now, the only way IP's are logged it seems is if someone makes a post. While this is useful, it really doesnt help me all that much. I need to see all the IP's that view as well and log each different IP a user views the site with individually and permanently.
Also, I need to be able to see this log when using the [View IPs for username] link in the admin CP.
Also, is there a way to make the list that the [View IPs for username] link creates, list IPs that are shared between different userIDs in another color? Dunno if that would be possible or not but it would be cool as hell if it could. Some people have 20 or 30 IPs, if the ones that are shared by someone else showed up in red or something to warn of another user having the same IP... that would be cool.
This ( hack comes very close to what I need but it has no searching options at all and it also deletes the logs (it has to to prevent it from getting so huge) after 3 days. Great hack but no resources to use it.
Also, I need to be able to see this log when using the [View IPs for username] link in the admin CP.
Also, is there a way to make the list that the [View IPs for username] link creates, list IPs that are shared between different userIDs in another color? Dunno if that would be possible or not but it would be cool as hell if it could. Some people have 20 or 30 IPs, if the ones that are shared by someone else showed up in red or something to warn of another user having the same IP... that would be cool.
This ( hack comes very close to what I need but it has no searching options at all and it also deletes the logs (it has to to prevent it from getting so huge) after 3 days. Great hack but no resources to use it.