View Full Version : Help me with 1 mysql query

09-16-2002, 09:48 PM
I was working on a style and kaboom.. things went wrong. Anyways, what I have now is a template table, with a bunch of entries having "-1" as their templatesetid entry.

Now, I need to put these back to "1"

My site's coadmin did this once alreayd ,but unfortunately, he went away for a week.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

09-17-2002, 01:08 AM
templatesetid -1 refers to all default templates... i personally would advise against this and im not exactly sure at what kind of affect that you're trying to get? regards...


09-17-2002, 10:53 AM
try this query:
DELETE FROM template WHERE templatesetid=1

this should revert all templates to the original