View Full Version : Simple template modification... Page Exit Effects...

09-15-2002, 04:53 AM
I was playing around with an HTML editor and I noticed page transition effects.... a simple effect to make it fade from page to page. Incompatible browser is the only problem I can think of for this mod , though I know it works with IE though...... not sure what versions..... Find the code


in the footer template..... it should be close to the top. add this below it.

<meta http-equiv="Page-Exit" content="blendTrans(Duration=2)">

The duration is in seconds I think.... not sure though. Every time you exit a page it will fade into the page you go to next....... Or if you press the back button it will fade into the page before it. Try clicking the link to my forums at the bottom of this post and pressing back.... it will fade into this page..... :classic:

Sry if this already existed, i searched through the template mods section though...... couldn't find it. I will add more effect codes.... If I have the time..... example at www.mirri.net/forums

Dean C
09-15-2002, 09:04 AM
thanks for this :D

- Mist

09-15-2002, 10:03 AM
Do your forum users complain about this?

If not, I might just put it on my forums...

09-15-2002, 03:34 PM
Thanx Mirri!
It looks great, and my Users like it!! ;)

09-15-2002, 03:46 PM
Only one complains about it because he says it increased the page load time for him, but I don't get any increased load times... it just seems like it because the old page doesn't disappear.

Actually, I have a bunch of these effects..... for Page Enter if you'd like, site enter, site exit, and with different looks.... one that is like blinds, one that wipes away the other page...... i'll post em in a few minutes..

09-26-2002, 01:05 PM
I don't see this working on your forums..?

11-02-2002, 12:31 PM
does this work? i did what it said and i still dont see a diffrence. i am useing ie5. and do you have any more of the other effects also?

11-08-2002, 12:44 PM
it works
check http://www.hagasny.com
works fine no complain yet

07-23-2003, 06:20 AM
Looks nice! :) I've done similar with FrontPage web pages, but it also looks good on the forums too.

07-23-2003, 06:07 PM
yeah use some on mine see attached file for some more hope you guys like them ;)