View Full Version : Encrypted database?

09-13-2002, 06:47 PM
Hello, is there any hack to encrypt post in database as password are encrypted? It is for security reasons, I am worried about hackers and privacity in privates forums.

Thanks in advance

09-13-2002, 07:45 PM
Password encryption is MD5 which is one way thus cant be applied to posts. There can be different encryption mechanisms though which can be applied to posts but I dont recommend it because:
a) It would require heavy modification and be time consuming.
b) You have to cancel "search" option of your board or change its structure completely if you still want it. And even this wouldnt help because now search will add an incredible amount of load to your server since you cant use indexing anymore.
c) It would be useless for hackers. If a hacker is able to hack into your mysql db, it's very likely that he can enter your FTP account too. It means he can also access your vb files and by tracing it for 30 minutes, he would be able find the encyrption mechanism used and easily decrypt it if he has basic PHP knowledge. PHP scripts are open source, remember? :)

I'd say, dont bother hacking vb but if you still want more protection (say you are discussing national security issues on your board lol), send posts encrypted in user side. So encrypt a text with any software that does it (you can find tons of it on the internet) and send the protected text to your board. Your users would need to copy/paste the code to the same software in their computer and decrypt it. Since the mechanism is not available inside your vb codes, it would be protected even against hackers who break into your site.. It's the most secure and easy way..

09-13-2002, 08:06 PM
Also use a https connection where/if posible, that way pages displayed from the private forums, and posts to them cannot be intercepted.

09-13-2002, 09:06 PM
Thanks a lot, I can see that is not a practical idea.
