View Full Version : Two headers

09-13-2002, 06:58 AM
I have seen a hack for this for parts of the board that I wanted to place a differant hearder. I can't seem to find it here. Can anyone help me?


09-13-2002, 07:16 AM
in global.php find

eval("\$header .= \"".gettemplate('header')."\";");

and place as many of these under it as you want headers

eval("\$header02 .= \"".gettemplate('header02')."\";");

header02 would be the template you want to put that info in and $header02 would be the variable.

09-13-2002, 07:19 AM
Originally posted by Odil
I have seen a hack for this for parts of the board that I wanted to place a differant hearder. I can't seem to find it here. Can anyone help me?


Not sure this really requires a hack. Just a bit of code change is all.

1) Create a new header template for use.
2) Add your components to your global


// parse PHP include ##################

// parse css, header & footer ##################
eval("\$headinclude = \"".gettemplate('headinclude')."\";");
eval("\$header .= \"".gettemplate('header')."\";");
eval("\$header2 .= \"".gettemplate('header2')."\";");
eval("\$footer .= \"".gettemplate('footer')."\";");

Notice the above:
eval("\$header2 .= \"".gettemplate('header2')."\";");

This is an addition to the Global.php file in your home dir (not your /admin/global.php)

Now add $header2 or whatever name you want to give it to the list of global templates within the global.php file.


$templatesused.='gobutton,timezone,username_logged out,username_loggedin,phpinclude,headinclude,heade r,header2,footer,forumjumpbit,forumjump,nav_linkof f,nav_linkon,navbar,nav_joiner';
$templatesused.=',pagenav,pagenav_curpage,pagenav_ firstlink,pagenav_lastlink,pagenav_nextlink,pagena v_pagelink,pagenav_prevlink';

Notice header2 in the above

Should do it for the most part and in my best estimate. But there may be a need to add it to /admin/functions.php depending upon where you place the $header2 include call.

EX: If you wanted to place the $header2 call within the standarderror template for example, it would not work just placing it within the global.php. You will need it in both the global as well as within the functions.php within the /admin dir.

// ###################### Start standarderror( #######################
function standarderror($error="",$headinsert="") {
// print standard error page
global $header,$header2,$footer,$headinclude,$headnewpm,$ toplinks,$forumjump,$timezone,$bbtitle,$hometitle, $bburl,$homeurl,$copyrighttext,$privacyurl,$contac tuslink,$webmasteremail,$technicalemail,$faxnumber ,$address,$companyname,$titleimage,$replyimage,$ne wthreadimage,$closedthreadimage,$lastvisitdate,$ti menow,$session,$logincode;


Notice that standarderror now contains $header2 include call. Now I can place $header2 within the standarderror template and it will call the the second header template you created as listed within the global.php.

Hope this helps.

09-13-2002, 07:20 AM
Hi Neo,

You posted at the same time. :)

09-13-2002, 07:35 AM
Originally posted by Odil
I have seen a hack for this for parts of the board that I wanted to place a differant hearder. I can't seem to find it here. Can anyone help me?
Install Advanced Templates (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&threadid=43325), then edit your header template and design it like this:

[[((your conditional))]]

Your header 1 if this condition applies

[[/((your conditional))]]
[[(!(your conditional))]]

Your header 2 if this condition does NOT apply

[[/(!(your conditional))]]

You can add other conditionals too if you have more than 2 options..

09-13-2002, 07:37 AM
That's a neat one.

09-13-2002, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by Hooper
Hi Neo,

You posted at the same time. :)

Great Minds :)

09-13-2002, 08:09 AM

09-15-2002, 07:46 AM
Excellent post. Worked the first time! I appreciate the detail that you provided.


Originally posted by Hooper

Not sure this really requires a hack. Just a bit of code change is all.

1) Create a new header template for use.
2) Add your components to your global


// parse PHP include ##################

// parse css, header & footer ##################
eval("\$headinclude = \"".gettemplate('headinclude')."\";");
eval("\$header .= \"".gettemplate('header')."\";");
eval("\$header2 .= \"".gettemplate('header2')."\";");
eval("\$footer .= \"".gettemplate('footer')."\";");

Notice the above:
eval("\$header2 .= \"".gettemplate('header2')."\";");

This is an addition to the Global.php file in your home dir (not your /admin/global.php)

Now add $header2 or whatever name you want to give it to the list of global templates within the global.php file.


$templatesused.='gobutton,timezone,username_logged out,username_loggedin,phpinclude,headinclude,heade r,header2,footer,forumjumpbit,forumjump,nav_linkof f,nav_linkon,navbar,nav_joiner';
$templatesused.=',pagenav,pagenav_curpage,pagenav_ firstlink,pagenav_lastlink,pagenav_nextlink,pagena v_pagelink,pagenav_prevlink';

Notice header2 in the above

Should do it for the most part and in my best estimate. But there may be a need to add it to /admin/functions.php depending upon where you place the $header2 include call.

EX: If you wanted to place the $header2 call within the standarderror template for example, it would not work just placing it within the global.php. You will need it in both the global as well as within the functions.php within the /admin dir.

// ###################### Start standarderror( #######################
function standarderror($error="",$headinsert="") {
// print standard error page
global $header,$header2,$footer,$headinclude,$headnewpm,$ toplinks,$forumjump,$timezone,$bbtitle,$hometitle, $bburl,$homeurl,$copyrighttext,$privacyurl,$contac tuslink,$webmasteremail,$technicalemail,$faxnumber ,$address,$companyname,$titleimage,$replyimage,$ne wthreadimage,$closedthreadimage,$lastvisitdate,$ti menow,$session,$logincode;


Notice that standarderror now contains $header2 include call. Now I can place $header2 within the standarderror template and it will call the the second header template you created as listed within the global.php.

Hope this helps.

09-15-2002, 08:51 AM
You're welcome Odil,

Best wishes to you.