View Full Version : show preview of postings in getdaily and getnew

09-11-2002, 08:11 AM
How do I do this:

If you search you have the option to show the result as postings, so you got a short preview of the posting. The result of getdaily/getnew is shown as threads, so you won't have the preview. Is there any chance to show the results of getdaily/getnew as postings too?

03-27-2003, 04:11 PM
I would appreciate this hack also.

03-27-2003, 05:08 PM
It's a hack that's already been released. Look for the thread preview hack. It's an addon to that.

03-07-2005, 04:46 AM
I looked and cant find this.. I really need this as well.

Thanx BTW.