View Full Version : Anti-Spam Hack?

09-11-2002, 12:32 AM
i thought of a cool idea for a hack...

here is the idea...

if a user makes more than 10 posts(more or less...) to himself (as in he mass replies to a topic in order to spam up the forum) the forum automatically bans him/her.

that would help for people to stop spam


09-11-2002, 02:16 PM
hmm... interesting... but you can just you my spam killer hack if you want and combine it with Xenon's disable double posting and they won't be able to do this ;) regards...


09-11-2002, 02:18 PM
yeah, but sometimes, people double post to add a story (ex: story too long for one post etc...)

and i would also like the surprise :-0