View Full Version : PM Hack and v1.1.4

11-01-2000, 10:18 PM
I've been playing with the new version seeing if I can make it usuable while I wait for 2.0 --

I was trying to install the PM Hack and I got stumped at this part:

5. showthread.php
$userinfo=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT userid,email,username,usertitle,
signature,showemail,homepage,icq,aim,yahoo,joindat e,
posts FROM user WHERE userid=$userid");

I can't find this or anything even like it! Any suggestions?

11-02-2000, 07:28 PM
Unless you know some PHP, I wouldn't really bother as you won't be able to install with 1.1.4 :)

I'll release a new version over the weekend.