View Full Version : (not prob, just question) about attachment table...

Tim Wheatley
09-09-2002, 06:00 PM

My board was running 2.2.6 and had a few hacks installed, it kept crashing the sql server and also has usage over 15.00 at times...

I installed the 'attachments to files' hack which removes attachments from the database and instead stores them as 'actual files' on your web server and at the same time upgraded to 2.2.7... I've also installed a bunch of other hacks...

2.2.7 is running superb... so does the attachment table have that much of an effect?? If so WHY is it in the database at all?

The attachment table before the conversion was just over 21,000 files and was 3GB in size.

09-10-2002, 12:17 PM
Considering the file number you have in that table yes it can be the access requests to that table that slows down your board. It's always the best apporach to get rid of SQL connection whenever it's possible so it might be better to save the files directly in server instead of saving them in db but we must also accept that vb is a message board not a file management utility so having so much files in db might be considered "not likely".

Also keeping them inside db has its own advantages like more easily tracking their access, applying better access-security standarts to files, easily backup/manage the entire site (together with files) etc. So developers might choose to save them in db..