View Full Version : 2 problems I DOUBT you can help me with

09-09-2002, 01:10 AM
I know its very likely you CANT help me but

1. The POST COUNTER LIKE ON THIS SITE....works perfectly on mine but after i upgraded to 2.2.6 from 2.2.4 it no longer goes to the EXACT POST anymore......it just links to the TOP of the page

2. MY COLORED ONLINE USERS IS MESSED UP....sometimes it is right.....sometimes it will give supermod colors to admins and mod colors to members and so on.....

if you can help.....WOW

09-09-2002, 01:37 AM
for the first problem it was something to do with the redirect from the last post button... the src should have a #post{varaiablehere} but i really haven't looked into it... (i will if i get the time)

As for the second problem can you link me to the hack that it uses? regards...


09-09-2002, 01:37 AM
Originally posted by ZiRu$
I know its very likely you CANT help me but

1. The POST COUNTER LIKE ON THIS SITE....works perfectly on mine but after i upgraded to 2.2.6 from 2.2.4 it no longer goes to the EXACT POST anymore......it just links to the TOP of the page

Easy fix - happens to me sometimes when I upgrade. You basically have to reinstall the hack again - chances are you deleted a line or two in functions.php which is easy to do when upgrading.

As for question 2 - check your index.php and make sure you applied the changes to TWO places since the code occurs in TWO places.

09-09-2002, 03:19 AM
thanks guys will do.......