View Full Version : Promote Post to a new Thread

09-08-2002, 03:45 AM
Before I start coding this hack, has it been done yet? Its the ability to take and promote a post within a thread to a new thread either in the same forum or even a completely new forum.

For instance, lets say I have a political discussion and at some point, as is often the case, religion enters the picture. Al later post addresses that post and is completely religious in nature, having departed from the original political discussion.

I want to take and move just that single post and make it a new thread and I want this new thread in the religion forum.

So, has it been done? It looks like a fairly simple hack, really. Create a new thread, set the first post in the thread to the threadid of the promoted post and then change that post's threadid to the new thread.

Steve Machol
09-08-2002, 03:47 AM
Why can't you just use the 'Split Thread' function in the Admin Options box?

09-08-2002, 03:53 AM
I guess you could do that as a two-step process. The first would cull the post/posts out as a new thread and then the new thread could be moved to a new forum. Not really as clean as what I had envisioned, but it has one big advantage - NO CODING NECESSARY.

Thanks for the well needed slap upside the head!

Steve Machol
09-08-2002, 04:41 AM
No, just one step. When you split a thread you also have the option of moving the post(s) to the forum of your choice.