View Full Version : Another vbQuiz Hack

09-04-2002, 02:21 PM
Perhaps not even a hack. Might be possible with a few sql statements.

At any rate, what we need is a way to leverage the work we've all done entering in quizzes. It would be nice to have a ACP command that would dump the contents of my quiz databases - without results, sessions, etc so that someone else could take that file execute it as an sql file and add my quizzes to his/her forums.

It seems it would have to be an import/export type program instead of just SQL after all because the kets between the different databases will have to be in sync, not to mention the problem with either assigning or adding a category.

More thoughts - thinking as I write - avoid the category issue altogether by just putting everything into an import category and forcing manual assignment prior to approval. Any imported quiz should be imported as still requiring approval.

So that makes it just an issue of importing the quiz, the quiz questions and quiz answers and keeping the linkage between keys correct.

09-04-2002, 10:40 PM
This is very simple if you have phpmyadmin just go into all the tables in the db that start with quiz on property veiw and then look down towards the bottom for

View dump (schema) of table
Set it to dump structure and data and check the save as file box.

You could also just go into the admin cp and then
Back-up Database and then deselect all the tables except for the quiz tables. You might also then want to warn people when you release it that it will clear out there current quiz tables. So they should follow these instructions as well to insure that there quiz tables are backed up.



09-05-2002, 08:00 PM
This won't work because the dump will contain the quizid in the quiz table, the questionid in the quiz_question and the answerid in the quiz_answers table.

An import program will have to do this, in order

Get the number of rows in the quiz table,

Insert the quiz info substituting quizid with number of rows+1, incrementing as it goes...

Then it will have to do the same thing for quiz_questions, but it will have to remember what the original quizid was and what the new one is and make the substitution to keep the key field between quiz and quiz_question in sync.

Then it will have to move on to quiz_answers and perform the same function between quiz_questions and quiz_answers tables.

If you do it the way you suggest, we'd be over-writing current questions and generally corrupting the databases.

09-05-2002, 08:20 PM
I've thought this hack through well enough that I can probably get it done in a few days. Is anyone interested in it?

If I do it, it means we can swap quizzes and not have to re-enter quizzes someone has already done.

If anyone is interested, respond. If I get enough responses, I'll get it done.

10-23-2002, 12:06 PM
Yep looking for this import feature

10-23-2002, 12:08 PM
yup nice idea m8

hate having to type quizzes from scratch

Chris M
10-23-2002, 12:32 PM
That would be cool:)


11-18-2003, 09:37 PM
great idea imo, woudn't be too hard either, did this ever get released?

11-30-2004, 02:05 AM
Importable/Exportable (and therefore tradeable) quizzes are planned for the next version of the hack. Just FYI.