View Full Version : Moderator cannot post thread or ???

08-30-2002, 08:45 AM
Well hallo,

Still have some more questions....

I assigned a moderator to a forum because I want only that this assigned moderator can post new threads in this forum. But when I assigned a moderator he will not be able to do new postings in this forum....getting a screen "You have no rights yada yada yada...." See snapshot moderator.jpg

See also snapshot modrights.jpg for assigned rights....

Now is my question do I have to created a seperate Group for each dealer and assign forum rights or has someone a hack that assigned mods can post a new thread in the assigned forum???

Would be very cool to have this feature......

08-30-2002, 08:46 AM
second snapshot

08-30-2002, 10:49 AM
You dont need to assign him as a Moderator for this (unless that's what you want)

Create a special usergroup and put him in that group then edit that forum's forum permissions for everygroup individually and allow only that group can post new threads (and replies) and Admins. For all other group's disable post new threads (and replies) rights..

08-30-2002, 12:58 PM
To have a function in the assinged moderator that he also can make new threads then to do that.

So I will take the long walk.....